
  • 网络Negative Brand
  1. 负品牌资产可以通过调查衡量,在调查中消费者指出,和一般产品相比,买该品牌需要折扣。

    Negative brand equity can be measured by surveys in which consumers indicate that a discount is needed to purchase the brand over a generic product .

  2. 确保顾客知道你是一个负责任的品牌在各个方面。

    Make sure customers know that yours is a responsible brand in all ways .

  3. 一个极负声望的品牌使消费者了解到他们能从这家公司生产的全部产品项目中得到什么。

    A strong corporate brand lets customers know what they can expect of the whole range of products that a company produces .

  4. 施坦威是世界上最负盛名的乐器品牌之一。现在,它正把目光投向中国,希望给死气沉沉的销售量注入新的生机。

    Steinway , one of the world 's most prestigious musical instrument brands , is looking to China to breathe new life into lackluster sales .

  5. 此次通过与北京国际音乐节这一蜚声海内外乐坛、在中国最负盛名的文化品牌合作,充分体现奥迪尊贵、动感、时尚和个性的品牌内涵和其所倡导的生活方式。

    Audi 's co-operation with Beijing Music festival , which has in music arena established an international reputation and is most prestigious in china , fully embodies its brand concepts of prestige , dynamics , fashion and individuality and the corresponding life style it advocates .