
  • 网络mass market;mass brand;High Street Brand
  1. 其次,需要对公司的相关政策进行必要的调整,同时出台一些适应公司大众品牌B级车战略的政策和激励措施。

    Secondly , the related policies need to be necessarily adjusted , at the same time some policies and incentive measures which is suitable for the strategy of should be established .

  2. 首先需要从公司层面制定相应的实施步骤,让整个大众品牌B级车战略在实施的每一个环节能够顺利、有序地推行和实施,并且每个实施过程中的环节能够得到有效的监管和控制。

    First of all , we need to develop the appropriate implementation steps from the corporate level to make the strategy of VW brand B-Class vehicles implemented smoothly and orderly , and each part of the implementation process should be monitored and controlled effectively .

  3. 此外,与正在苦苦阻止消费者投奔实惠产品的高价大众品牌相比,传统更有利于LVMH和Gucci等名下的奢侈品牌。

    Tradition has also worked in favour of luxury names , such as those owned by LVMH and Gucci , compared with premium-priced mass brands that are struggling to stop customers defecting to value products .

  4. 地点本身就是营销的一种形式,这在你思考丝芙兰和ULTA等商家卖的高档品牌、与在普通药店卖的大众品牌的区别时,这种营销就变得很明显。

    It 's a form of marketing in itself , which is evident when you consider the difference between upscale brands carried at retailers such as Sephora and Ulta and mass-market brands sold at drugstores .

  5. 奢侈品牌与大众品牌:购买决策中参照群体影响差异研究

    Luxury Brand and Mass-market Brand : Differences in Reference Group Influence

  6. 大众品牌在中国的整合营销策略研究

    The Study on Integrated Marketing Strategy of VW Brands in China

  7. 有大约500万涉事车辆是高尔夫、帕萨特和其他大众品牌车型。

    About five million of the affected cars are Golfs , Passats and other Volkswagen-brand cars .

  8. 而这些咖啡的消费人群往往是那些厌倦了以星巴克为代表的无处不在的大众品牌的消费者。

    Their customers tend to shun the sort of big-business ubiquity that a mass-coffee purveyor like Starbucks embodies .

  9. 在欧洲,90名已经停止,所有80个轿车作为大众品牌,不管他们的引擎。

    In Europe , the90 name was discontinued and all sedans were badged as80 , regardless of which engine they had .

  10. 比较销售类似美容产品的高端和大众品牌时,富人和穷人的差异更为明显。

    The rich vs. poor divide is obvious when comparing sales of premium and mass brands that sell similar beauty products .

  11. 需要注意的是,这里说的仅限于高端奢侈品圈子,比如古驰、美国尼曼,而非大众品牌。

    It is important to note that this only works for high-end brands like Gucci and Neiman Marcus , not for mass-market brands .

  12. 与难以立足美国的其他大众品牌汽车相比,奥迪和保时捷在美国取得了成功。

    In contrast to Volkswagen brand cars , which have struggled in the United States , Audi and Porsche are success stories in America .

  13. 我曾经把大众品牌作为心目中品质的保证,我不知道现在是否该有所改变。

    I ever took VW brand as quality guarantee , but now , I do not know if I have to change my mind .

  14. 只有2500万户家庭安装了这种能接收互动式广告的机顶盒,对很多大众品牌来说,因为受众群体太小,这项技术并不值得投资。

    Only 25 million homes installed the set-top box to receive an interactive ad & too small a penetration for many mass-market brands to invest in the technology .

  15. 作为我的论文的一个重要组成部分,我在中国进行的顾客调查,以确定目前中国客户的品牌协会和大众品牌在中国的形象。

    As an essential part of my Thesis , I conducted a customer survey in China , in order to identify current brand associations of Chinese customers and the image of VW brands in China .

  16. 美国司法部在上周五提交给法庭的一份文件中表示,苹果反对帮助执法部门看来“是基于对公司商业模式及其大众品牌营销战略的考虑。”

    In a court filing on Friday , the Justice Department said Apple 's opposition to helping law enforcement appeared " to be based on its concern for its business model and public brand marketing strategy . "

  17. 但专家表示,即便是在那些大众品牌,拉尔森成功的基础,也是前所未有地为两个品牌面向家庭的低端服饰在一定程度上注入对设计的关注。

    Though even at those mass brands , Mr. Larsson 's success , experts say , has been built on fostering a level of attention to design that sellers of low-end , family-oriented apparel had previously not put into their wares .

  18. 但如果你想要最客观的了解质量和价格,丹麦网站runrepeat.com从搜集了一年多的评论中汇总了13.5万多名消费者的数据,还给出了大多数大众品牌的建议零售价。

    But if you want the closest thing to an objective look at quality and cost , a Danish Web site called runrepeat.com has crunched the numbers from nearly 135000 consumer reviews it gathered over a year , along with the suggested retail price of most of the popular brands .

  19. 大多数零售业分析师认同上述看法:中国消费者越来越青睐小众顶级品牌,比如爱马仕,对印有醒目logo的大众奢侈品牌热度下降,比如爱马仕的竞争对手路威酩轩集团和古驰(Gucci)。

    Most retail analysts agree : Chinese consumers are growing keener on niche top-level brands such as Herm è s and less fond of logo-laden , mass luxury rivals such as LVMH and Gucci .

  20. 上周,这家法国化妆品集团停止了其大众市场品牌卡尼尔(Garnier)在中国的销售。

    Last week , the French cosmetics group halted sales of its mass-market Garnier brand in China .

  21. 为了与星巴克的大众市场品牌区别开来,星巴克精品烘烤品牌的新店和产品线,很大程度上摒弃了绿色美人鱼的商标,而是使用了一个星形标志,加上一个红色字母R。

    So to distinguish Reserve from its mass-market cousin , Starbucks is banishing , to a great extent , its green mermaid logo at the new shops and in the product line . The Reserve stores and line of coffees instead carry a star logo , along with a red R.

  22. 为了与星巴克的大众市场品牌区别开来,星巴克精品烘烤品牌的新店和产品线,很大程度上摒弃了绿色美人鱼的商标,而是使用了一个星形标志,加上一个红色字母“R”。

    So to distinguish Reserve from its mass-market cousin , Starbucks is banishing , to a great extent , its green mermaid logo at the new shops and in the product line . The Reserve stores and line of coffees instead carry a star logo , along with a red " R. "

  23. 长春市构建大众滑雪品牌城市服务体系的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Building the Service System of Public Skiing Brand City

  24. 豪华汽车买主的品牌忠诚度要远远高于大众市场品牌。

    Brand loyalty is much higher among luxury car buyers than for mass-market brands .

  25. 又是一个非常大众的品牌。

    Is a very common brand .

  26. 大众企业品牌以及其多品牌战略将通过内部的分析研究。

    The corporate brand VW as well as their multi-brand strategies will be examined by an internal analysis .

  27. 我的论文的一个重要组成部分,说明了大众的品牌战略及其在中国的品牌组合。

    A major part of my Thesis illustrates the branding strategy of VW and its brand portfolio within China .

  28. 你有没有想过和一个大众流行品牌合作,还是你希望你的服装保持奢侈品的定位?

    Do you think you will ever collaborate with a fast-fashion company , or will your fashion remain a luxury ?

  29. 举办具有北京特色的群众性体育活动,形成展示北京古都风貌的国际性大众体育品牌。

    Organize mass sports activities with Beijing characteristics to create an international mass sports brand that displays the ancient capital city 's outlook .

  30. 由于雅科仕品牌直接通过现代品牌经销商进行销售,是一个面向大众的品牌,经销商通常在提车后一并将贷款手续直接递送到买主的家中或公司。

    Because Equus is sold through Hyundai dealerships , a middle-of-the-road brand , dealers routinely pick up cars and deliver loaners to customers ' homes and businesses .