
The development of the information technology of the network has relieved the asymmetric problem of fluidity in debt of the money of commercial bank , have separated the function of the bank and already lost its realistic meaning .
Of Commercial Banks ' Liabilities and Liabilities ' Circulation
The liquidity research and development has gone through three stages : the liquidity of assets , debts liquidity , asset and liabilities liquidity .
Abasing on Asset - Liability Structure of Commercial Bank to Research the Control of Liquidity Risk
After that , this paper will introduce the theory of wealth effect , balance sheet and liquidity , which are the theoretical basis of asset prices conduction .
Low debt and high liquidity should be valued for avoidance of cash-flow distress , ensuring greater flexibility in adjusting asset allocation , and creating opportunities in the aftermath of a crisis .
Among these , liquidity is the base of safety and profitability as well as t the lifeblood of commercial banks . Only if commercial banks maintain adequate liquidity of assets and liabilities .
There is no reason , in the US constitution or elsewhere , why an insurance company is entitled to swap assets at the Fed discount window for temporary loans to keep its balance sheet liquid .
The US Treasury said the meeting discussed a " comprehensive approach to address the illiquid assets on bank balance sheets that are at the underlying source of the current stresses in our financial institutions and financial markets . "
Credit-providing financial institutions are beneficial from it because their asset-liability sheet 's liquidity is enhanced , the quality of their assets is improved and the amount is increased , and the structure of their assets and liabilities is enhanced ;
Many private enterprises are meeting difficulties in financing , higher short-term liabilities , the larger issue of liquidity risk , improve the financing environment of the private enterprise for reasonable debt maturity structure to create conditions for an urgent practical problem .
The UK oil group said it was taking a prudent approach to managing its balance sheet and its financial liquidity , including providing a liquidity buffer , to ensure that BP has the flexibility to meet all its future financial obligations .
The first is the high proportion of debt operation , which leads to the shortage of liquidity .
As social capital supply and demand intermediary , commercial banks can create liquidity by the structure of assets and liabilities .
The minister said the government did not intend to modify its bank rescue package by creating a bad bank that would acquire the illiquid assets now sitting on the banks ' balance sheet .
The asset and liability structure in financial institutions is expressed as liability of high-liquidity and asset in lack of liquidity and this unique asset and liability structure especially relies on the public 's confidence .
The liquidity creation of commercial bank is realized by the operation of its own balance sheet , that is to say , transfer liquid liabilities to non-liquid assets , which provide credit support to the public .
Due to the special character of the commercial bank business ( high debt and low liquidity ), and its high dependence on public credits . commercial bank contains high risk .
The securitization of non-performing loans allows Chinese banks to maintain liquidity by removing liabilities from the balance sheet .
This chapter discusses the liquidity risk in assets and liabilities of our life insurance industry .