
  1. 啊哈,在奇妙的布欧篇中我们可以看到,从在龙珠Z的开头第一次看见他到如今,贝吉塔的性格发生了多么巨大的变化。

    Ahh , the wonderful Buu Saga where we see how much Vegeta 's character has grown since we first met him in the beginning of DBZ .

  2. 贝吉塔是什么时候离开布尔玛并变成超级赛亚人的?

    When did Vegeta leave Bulma to become a Super Saiyan ?

  3. 贝吉塔当然不高兴,反应很强烈。

    Vegeta was of course not pleased and the reaction is very hilarious .

  4. 总之,我认为贝吉塔是在特兰克斯出生后离开布尔玛的。

    Anyway , that 's why I believe Vegeta left Bulma after Trunks was born .

  5. 未来的特兰克斯告诉悟空说,布尔玛和乐平分手后很失落也很寂寞,所以和贝吉塔在一起了。

    Mirai trunks tells Goku that bulma and yaumcha broke up and out of passion and loneliness bulma and vegeta got together .

  6. 当贝吉塔为对付布欧而牺牲自己时,虽然布尔玛距离他很远,但能立刻感觉到有什么东西不对头了。

    When Vegeta sacrificed himself to Buu , Bulma immediately sensed something was wrong , even though she wasn 't near him .

  7. 我们没看到过什么结婚仪式,也没听到谁提及那两个人的婚礼,而且贝吉塔是外星人没受过地球的教育,也许已经举行了另一种不同类型的仪式呢!

    We see no actual ceremony or hear of any mention of a marriage between the two , and since Vegeta is an alien and was not raised on earth , it 's possible a different type of'ceremony'was preformed .