
xiànɡ bí chónɡ
  • weevil;snout beetle
  1. 南部农场示范工作大大帮助了对棉花象鼻虫的防治。

    Farm demonstration work in the South helped to fight the cotton boll weevil .

  2. 用象鼻虫把他的脚绑起来。

    Haul that weevil to his feet .

  3. 有时,饼干里生满了蛆和象鼻虫。

    Sometimes it was full of maggots and weevils .

  4. 行动迟缓的黑色硬体陆栖象鼻虫,其幼虫吃腐烂的植物或谷物等。

    Sluggish hard-bodied black terrestrial weevil whose larvae feed on e.g. decaying plant material or grain .

  5. 在树皮和树木上打洞的小甲虫;与象鼻虫有关。

    Small beetle that bores tunnels in the bark and wood of trees ; related to weevils .

  6. 为害香蕉的象鼻虫

    Weevils injurious to banana

  7. 假如面包里出现了几条象鼻虫,那还真他妈的不幸啊!

    And if there were a few weevils in the bread , wasn 't that just too fucking bad ?

  8. 之所以会被称为棉子象鼻虫,是因为这种昆虫会毁坏棉花球,以及含有棉花的种子荚。

    It 's called the boll weevil because it destroys the cotton boll , the seed pod that contains the cotton .

  9. 棉叶腺胞分泌的棉酚对棉铃象鼻虫是一种引诱剂。

    Gossypol , which is produced by gland cells in the leaves of cotton , is an attractant to the boll weevil .

  10. 这种作物的丰收归功于异常温暖的冬天和虚构的意面象鼻虫的消失。

    The success of the crop was attributed both to an unusually mild winter and to the virtual disappearance of the spaghetti weevil .

  11. 大多数小甲虫中吃植物和植物果实的几种甲虫科;特别是猪嘴象鼻虫和种子象鼻虫。

    Any of several families of mostly small beetles that feed on plants and plant products ; esp. snout weevils and seed weevils .

  12. 在马达加斯加有已知的1300种象鼻虫,比如毛毛象鼻虫和上面所说的长颈象鼻虫都是这个岛上所有的。

    Nearly all of the1300 known weevil species in Madagascar , including the hairy andronomay farut , above , are endemic to the island .

  13. 栓皮栎通常采用种子繁殖,但是由于后代易出现遗传分化,加之橡实象鼻虫的侵害使种子不能较长时间储藏,以及扦插繁殖困难等,影响优良基因型的推广利用。

    Severe invasion by weevil , difficult to storage seeds over a long period of time , difficult to cutting , as well as offspring prone to genetic differentiation , have bad effects on the promotion of using the good genotypes .