
xiànɡ pí
  • elephant skin
  1. 活化的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞膜Fc受体和C3b受体的观察&生肌象皮膏抗感染作用机理的研究

    The Fc receptor anb C3b receptor on activated peritoneal macrophages from mice & Stuby on mechanism of anti-infection effect of Sheng Ji Ointment

  2. 76例象皮肿患者,61例于50d内基本治愈或显效出院。

    Of the 76 patients with elephantiasis 61 were basically cured within 50 days and discharged .

  3. 病变组织切除中厚皮片网状移植术治疗象皮腿病的疗效观察

    Effectiveness of Excision and Meshed Split Skin Graft on Elephantiasis

  4. 生肌象皮膏治疗小面积深度烧伤创面14例临床分析

    Sarcogenic plaster in the treatment of small-area deep burn wound in 14 cases

  5. 病变组织切除自体皮回植术治疗15例象皮肿病人的护理

    Nursing care of 15 patients with elephantiasis receiving pathological tissue resection and autologous skin transplantation

  6. 针药合用治疗英国老年妇女象皮腿27例

    Observation on 27 elderly women in Britain with lymphedema syndrome treated by acupuncture combined with medicine

  7. 目的:研究象皮生肌膏的制备,建立象皮生肌膏的质量标准。

    Objective : To study the preparation of Xiangpi Shengji Paste and establish its quality standard .

  8. 眼睑象皮肿

    Elephantoid oedema of the eyelids

  9. 丝虫病是一个世界健康问题,是由寄生虫感染导致的淋巴不足,在一些病例中表现为象皮肿。

    Filariasis is a world health problem resulting from a parasitic-caused infection causing lymphatic insufficiency , and in some cases predisposes elephantiasis .

  10. 乳糜尿患病率女性较男性为高,病程1~5年为多,显示在防治后期新发病例以乳糜尿为主,鞘膜积液和象皮肿的发生基本趋于控制。

    The results showed that the main sign of chronic cases newly detected in late stage of control program was chyluria while the occurrence of hydrocele and elephantiasis were basically controlled .

  11. 他是个戴眼镜的男孩,黑头发,瘦得象皮包骨,表情有点痛苦,身高长得很快,虽然苗条,但有点不健康。

    He was a skinny , black-haired , bespectacled boy who had the pinched , slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time .

  12. 当淋巴丝虫病发展成慢性疾病时,会导致淋巴水肿(组织肿胀)或四肢象皮肿(皮肤/组织增厚)和鞘膜积液。

    When lymphatic filariasis develops into chronic conditions , it leads to lymphoedema ( tissue swelling ) or elephantiasis ( skin / tissue thickening ) of limbs and hydrocele ( fluid accumulation ) .

  13. 她出生的秘密是这样的:有个塑造天主堂屋顶水沟瓦档上饕餮头像的哥特人,一天早晨,象皮格马利翁①那样,忽然爱上了那些塑像中最可怕的一个。

    This is the secret of her birth : a Gothic Pygmalion , who was making gargoyles for cathedrals , fell in love with one of them , the most horrible , one fine morning .

  14. 近年选点调查,发现有症状体征的丝虫病患者1355例。其中象皮肿172例,鞘膜积液698例,乳糜尿411例以及其它体征者。

    In 1983 , a total of 1,355 patients with clinical manifestations of bancroftian filariasis were found in different parts of this county , including 172 cases of elephantiasis , 698 with hydrocele , 411 with chyluria and others .

  15. 目的对强力象皮生肌膏原制备工艺进行改进,最大限度地提取中药活性成分,以缩短疗程、减轻病人疼痛感。

    Objective : Improve the preparation technics of strong promoting granulation cream with the elephantine appearance and farthest abstract its active Chinese drug component , so as to short the period of treatment and abate the patient 's ache .

  16. 那是一个大约25英尺(8米)长的圆形突出物,背部呈黑灰色、粗糙、好似象皮,逆着水流翻搅了一阵子之后,就消失了。

    It was a hump about 25 feet ( 8 metres ) long , covered with rough dark-grey hide like an elephant 's back . The creature it belonged to ploughed against the current for a while , and then disappeared .