
  1. 从开发的观点,您应该能象为常规的客户端应用程序一样能为与JavaWebStart的兼容性编写和设计代码。

    From a development point of view , you should be able to write and design code for compatibility with Java Web Start as you would for a normal client-side Java application .

  2. 影像拼接的展示形式象为艺术家打开了无数窗口。

    The display form of image stitching as for artists to open numerous windows .

  3. 他们象为大会议一样仔细地为这次会议做准备。

    They have prepared for this meeting as carefully as they had for the big ones .

  4. 这种格式看起来很象为电子邮件和新闻组通信开发的那些协定。

    This format looks a lot like the conventions that have developed for e-mail and newsgroup communications .

  5. 观察到白血病病人舌质瘀象为淡暗、红、紫暗舌;

    We observed that : the tongue proper of leukemia was slightly dark 、 red or red dark ;

  6. 本文以北京市的旅游目的地形象为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方式,考察旅游者对北京市旅游目的地形象各个指标的认知评价;

    This paper takes the destination image of Beijing as the object of study , and examines travelers ' cognitive image of Beijing by questionnaire survey .

  7. 舜登天子位后,去看望父亲,仍然恭恭敬敬,并封象为诸侯。

    After Shun ascended the throne as the Son of Heaven , he still called on his father respectfully , and granted the leud title to Xiang .

  8. 骨转移性癌则以无多形性大核细胞(100%)、核仁明显(75%)、有核分裂象为主要特征。

    Pleomorphic giant nucleus ( 100 % ), obvious nucleoli ( 75 % ) and karyokinesis were the main elements in the smear of bone metastatic carcinoma .

  9. 本文以土族民间“传闻”及其背后的信仰民俗事象为研究个案,试图去破解传闻与信仰民俗之间的一种意义联系。

    The article , through studying folk legends and folk beliefs of the Tus in Qinghai and Gansu , attempt to explain many cultural relations in folk legends and folk beliefs .

  10. 我们使用你为象为你设定这个地点的如此的目的提供的信息,改进这个地点,对你的请求作出回应,并且与你一起交流。

    We use the information that you provide for such purposes as customizing the site for you , improving the site , responding to your requests , and communicating with you .

  11. 胃黏膜象为:胃黏膜白相或红白相间,以白为主,黏液稀薄而多,色多清白,胃壁蠕动减弱,或有黏膜水肿;

    The gastric mucosa was white or red alternating with white and most in white , thin and much secretion , light and white color , the moving of the stomach getting weaker .

  12. 世界自然保护联盟制定的濒危物种红色名录,被认为是反映日益拥挤的地球上,自然界生存现状的详尽报告,最新公布的名录将非洲草原象列为濒危物种。

    This latest Red List of Threatened Species – considered to be the comprehensive report on how nature is faring on an increasingly crowded planet – puts Africa 's savanna1 elephants into the endangered category .

  13. PSA在客户端利用个人兴趣代理为每个用户维护一个个人兴趣剖象,为局域网用户维护一个共同兴趣剖象。

    Personalizing Search Agent PSA maintains an interest profile for each user and a common interest profile for all users in the Intranet at the client side .

  14. 以Hill唯象理论为基础,建立正交各向异性弹塑性材料的本构关系,给出理想正交各向异性弹塑性材料在平面应变条件下混合型静止裂纹尖端的弹塑性场。

    In this paper , in view of a phenomenological plasticity theory for orthotropic material proposed by Hill , the history-dependent constitutive relation for plane strain case is obtained . The asymptotic solution of the plane strain mixed mode stationary crack problem in an elastoplastic material with plas (?)

  15. 以超导热力学唯象理论为基础,讨论了Ⅱ类超导体样品当外场从0增加到临界场Hc2(T)过程中的制泠效应。

    According to the phenomenological theory of thermodynamics , we discuss the refrigeration effect of type - ⅱ superconductors which are exposed to a slowly increasing magnetic field from 0 to the critical field H c 2 ( T ) .

  16. 请他们将猛犸象定为官方州化石

    urging them to make the woolly mammoth the official state fossil

  17. 您的上司的工作象您为你自己运作。

    Work for your boss like you are working for yourself .

  18. 象分为两大类&非洲象和印度象。

    There are two major kinds of elephants – African and Indian .

  19. 两类象域为多边形的单叶调和映射

    Two Kinds of Mappings of Univalent Harmonic Functions onto Polygon

  20. 被追捕的狮和象称为大猎物。

    Lions and elephants are called big game when they are hunted .

  21. 对X光象转换为全息立体图象的象质评价方法

    Quality evaluation methods of holographic solid image transformed from x & ray image

  22. 然后州参议院通过的法案中却将猛犸象定义为

    But the state senate passed a bill defining the woolly mammoth as having been

  23. 我象以往为白人跑腿借书时一样走进了图书馆。

    I entered the library as I had always done when on errands for whites .

  24. 外面的世界并不象我为创造的世界里那样真实。

    There 's no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you .

  25. 她比较喜欢拜伦,因为拜伦在这方面更象她为人正派的父亲。

    She liked Byron better because he seemed , in this respect , more like her upright father .

  26. 本课程针对中高级学生提高自身理解能力以及希望能够象母语为英语那样随意表达。

    Only for advanced students who are looking to expand there ability to understand and express like a native speaker in a fun creative way .

  27. 《黄帝内经》以藏象理论为核心内容,奠定了临床辨证论治的理论基础。

    As the core content of the Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor , viscera state theory laid a basis on a clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment .

  28. 骨髓转移瘤临床表现及血象无特异性,其骨髓象特征为:①骨髓易干抽,多增生不良;

    The clinical features and blood of metastatic tumors to bone marrow were not special . Its pictures of myelogram were as follows : ① The bone marrow tobe punctured out .

  29. “彩虹团体”包括同性恋社团和异性恋社团。取名叫“彩虹团体”是象徵为同性恋群体争取到平等权益的运动。

    The " Rainbow Group ", which includes both homosexuals and heterosexuals , was named after the " Rainbow Flag ", a symbol of the campaign for equal rights for homosexuals .

  30. 本体论强调以象德为乐,作品论强调以象章德,创作论强调使德成象,功能论强调以象致德。

    Ontology emphasizes Image Morals is the real music , Works theory emphasizes Image is used to express Morals , Creative theory emphasizes we make morals become image , Functionalism emphasizes people get Morals by Image .