
  • 网络Symbolism Drama;symbolic theatre
  1. 国内外关于这位杰出的德国剧作家的研究并不多见,而对于霍普特曼象征主义戏剧的研究相对于他的其它戏剧的研究更是远远不够,还有很多值得探讨的地方。

    Also , compared with other plays , there are not enough studies about his symbolism plays at home . And there are many places worthy of discussion .

  2. 象征主义是表现主义戏剧常用的表现手法。

    Symbolism is treated as a common method of expression in expressionistic plays .

  3. 象征主义在文学戏剧、音乐、哲学、绘画等领域都反映出交相辉映的统一性。

    Symbolism in literature , drama , music , philosophy , painting and other areas reflecting echo the unity .

  4. 《琼斯皇》是奥尼尔现实主义戏剧和现代派戏剧的转折点,融表现主义、象征主义和现实主义戏剧美学思想为一体。

    The Emperor Jones is the turning point of Onear 's realist and modern dramas integrating expressionism impressionism and aesthetics of realist dramas .