
dòu yàn
  • bean goose;Anser fabalis serirostris
豆雁[dòu yàn]
  1. 成千上万的豆雁和白额雁,十分壮观。

    Thousands of Bean Goose and White-fronted Goose , it 's amazing !

  2. 清水湾是闻名国际的花脸鸭渡冬地,除此之外,还有数十万只的豆雁、白额雁、绿头鸭等在这儿渡过漫长的冬天。

    Cheonsuman is an important wintering place for Baikal Teal . Besides , there are also hundred thousands of Bean Goose , White-fronted Goose , Mallard etc to spend their winter there .

  3. 豆雁、绿翅鸭、罗纹鸭等为优势种。

    Were the preponderant species .