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zhān yǔ
  • delirium;ravings;delirious speech;wild talk
谵语 [zhān yǔ]
  • [delirium; delirious speech; wild talk] 病中的神志不清、胡言乱语

谵语[zhān yǔ]
  1. 当我回到那年轻女人的床面前的时候,我发现她还在以确切相同的顺序继续说着那谵语。

    When I returned to the bedside of the young woman , I found her raving in precisely the same order and continuity .

  2. 观察术中术后有无呻吟、体动、出汗、谵语、恶心、呕吐及麻醉后清醒时间、离院时间等。

    Any groan , body movements , sweating , delirium , nausea and vomiting during and after operation were observed , as well as recovery time after anesthesia and hospitalized duration .

  3. 2例病人均为青年女性,有血栓性血小板减少性紫癜的典型临床表现和实验室证据,其神经系统主要表现有语言表达困难、尖叫、谵语、偏瘫以及意识障碍,都表现为急进性过程。

    The result showed that in 2 young women presented with atypical clinical features and laboratory findings of TTP , the main presentations of the central nervous system included language disturbances , hemiplegia , delirium , scream , confusion , unconsciousness .