
  1. 剧中的理查三世是个虚伪狡诈的暴君—一个谋权篡位的凶手—由于白贝芝雄浑的嗓音和精彩的表演使这一形象在舞台上活灵活现。

    Richard the Third was a wicked king - a murderer - but he was wonderful on the stage , with Burbage 's great voice and fine acting .

  2. 诸多君主皆极为担忧禁卫军谋权篡位,最好解决办法莫过于从国外雇佣卫队,因为外籍士兵完全无望在本国身居高位。

    Being overthrown by their own palace guard is a risk faced by many rulers , and one way to prevent this is to hire guards from outside of their own cultures , who cannot hope to wield power themselves .