
  • 网络scheduling strategy;scheduling policy;Schedule Policy
  1. 参数policy是调度策略。

    The parameter policy is the scheduling policy .

  2. 一种基于角色Agent的教育网格任务调度策略

    Task Scheduling Policy Based on Role Agent in Educational Grid

  3. 采用人机协同的多Agent调度策略。

    The man-machine-cooperative and Multi-Agent scheduling strategy is adopted .

  4. 基于遗传算法和多Agent的染色车间分层调度策略

    A Dyeing Workshop Hierarchical Scheduling Strategy Based On Genetic Algorithm and Multi-Agent System

  5. XML数据库事务并发调度策略研究

    Research on Transaction Concurrent Dispatch Strategy for XML Databases

  6. 多级反馈队列调度策略在Linux中的应用和实现

    Application and Implementation of Multi-level Feedback Queue Scheduling Policy in Linux

  7. Windows下的CNC实时多任务调度策略研究

    Schedule Strategy Research of Implementing the Real-time Multi-task Processing Based on Windows

  8. Linux集群系统任务调度策略的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Task Scheduling Strategy Based on Linux Cluster Systerm

  9. 本文首先探讨Agent技术和分布式实时系统,并分析了几种典型的实时Agent调度策略。

    This thesis firstly researches agent technology and distributed real-time system and analyzes several typical real-time agent scheduling algorithms .

  10. 802.16宽带无线接入系统的QoS保证和调度策略

    QoS Guarantee and Scheduling Strategy for IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access System

  11. 基于Linux实时调度策略的优化

    Optimization of Realtime Scheduling Algorithm Based on Linux

  12. 基于缓存偏移量的P2P流媒体调度策略

    Scheduling Strategy Based on Cache Offset for P2P Streaming Media

  13. 集群环境中的对周期性Barrier应用的调度策略

    Scheduling Periodic Barrier Parallel Application in Cluster

  14. 它是非常有用的分析Linux调度策略行为的工具。

    It 's an extremely useful tool for analyzing the behavior of Linux scheduling policies .

  15. 一种P2P点播系统中的数据调度策略

    Research on data scheduling schema in a VOD system on peer to peer

  16. 深入分析了μC/OS-Ⅱ的调度策略,为了防止优先级反转问题,在其中扩展了优先级顶置协议。

    In order to solve the priority inversion problem , priority ceiling protocol is implemented in μ C / OS - II .

  17. OFDM系统资源分配和调度策略研究

    Research on Resource Allocation and Scheduling Strategies in OFDM Systems

  18. 网络QoS调度策略的分析与研究

    Research and Analysis of Network QoS Schedule Strategies

  19. 基于μCOS-II的任务调度策略研究

    Research on Task Scheduling Policies Based on μ C__OS-II

  20. 主要用排队论方法讨论了Web集群整体性能与请求调度策略之间的关系。

    Discussed in this paper is the relationship between the performance of web cluster servers and the scheduling policies using a queuing theory method .

  21. 基于输入队列的ATM信元交换调度策略定性分析研究

    Performance Study of Scheduling Policies for ATM Cell Switches with Input Queue

  22. MIMO实验平台数据交换调度策略与实现

    Data switch scheduling strategy and implementation on MIMO experimental platform

  23. 基于QOS的磁盘调度策略

    A Disk Scheduling Scheme with QoS Guaranteeing

  24. Linux的进程调度策略

    The Scheduling Policy of Linux

  25. UNIX实时调度策略全自动测试器的设计

    Design of an automatic testing tool for UNIX real time scheduling strategies

  26. UNIX实时调度策略测试器的模型与实现

    Model and Implementation of an Automatic Testing Tool for UNIX Real-Time Scheduling Strategies

  27. 但是,对于QoS机制中使用的具体调度策略和方法,标准中并没有给出详细说明。

    But , in the QoS mechanism , standard is not given the specific scheduling strategy and method .

  28. 一种新的基于MAS的任务动态调度策略研究

    Research on a Novel Strategy of Real-time Task Dispatch Based on MAS

  29. 基于PBS的集群作业调度策略的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Cluster Job Scheduling Policy Based on PBS

  30. VOD系统批处理调度策略优化研究

    Optimization on Batching Schedule Policy for Video-On-Dem and System