
tiáo zhì bō
  • modulated wave
  1. 仿真实验表明,采用数字信号处理器(DSP),按照SVPWM算法的步骤可以实时在线生成SVPWM调制波,显著提高了逆变输出性能。

    The emulation experiment shows that , adopting the steps of SVPWM arithmetic , the SVPWM modulated wave can create real-time and on-line by DSP , then the capability of invert output is improved evidently .

  2. 以多盲的试验方法,通过音频脉冲调制波刺激穴位(大椎、命门、足三里、承山),并观察穴位电刺激对运动员的30m跑、站立式跳远、Cybex等动测试指标的影响。

    Acupoints were stimulated with audio frequency pulse modulated wave and multi-blind method were used to investigate effects of the electric stimulation of acupoints on 30-meter running , standing long jumping and Cybex isokinetic testing index .

  3. 用MATLAB语言对PWM调制波的计算机仿真

    Computor emulation of PWM modulation wave applicable to MATLAB language

  4. 由DSP芯片生成电压空间矢量脉宽调制波

    Generation of Voltage Vector PWM Wave by DSP

  5. PN码数字调制波的功率谱分析

    Power Spectrum Analysis of PN Code Digitally Modulated Waves

  6. 讨论了PID算法和脉宽调制波的产生方法以及在本系统中的应用。

    Discussing PID algorithm and forming method of the pulse width modulation wave as well as their application in the system .

  7. 该控制技术利用FPGA产生各并联逆变器SPWM调制波的频率和相位,并确保输出电压同步。

    FPGA is used to produce the SPWM frequency and phase for each inverter and ensures the synchronization of output voltages .

  8. 本工作系统地研究了豚鼠△f(am)与载波频率、调制波频率、调幅深度、调幅时程、声音强度等的关系。

    Δ fam in relation to the carrier and , modulator frequencies , to the depth and duration of amplitude modulation , and to sound intensity are systematically studied .

  9. 调制波主要采用三次谐波注入PWM和电压空间矢量SVPWM,并详细阐述了其原理与实现方法。

    The modulation wave mainly use three harmonic injected PWM and voltage space vector SVPWM , and elaborate its principle and realizing method .

  10. 若调制波含有2次谐波,则在啮合频率fm和它的2倍频2fm两侧各形成2个边带。

    If modulating wave has secondary harmonic , there are two sidebands in both sides of meshing frequency f m and its doubling freqency 2f m.

  11. 主要研究了伪随机序列的MSK调制波的探测性能;

    Pseudo noise sequence MSK-modulation signal on target detection is researched . Theory of waveform design is used .

  12. 脉冲幅度调制波(PAM)是脉冲调制的一种形式,在通信和控制系统中得到广泛应用。

    Pulse amplitude modulation ( PAM ) is one form of the ways , in which it is widely used in the system of communication and control .

  13. 豚鼠对调制波频率似有较好的辨别能力,刺激参数合适时△f(am)只3&4Hz,与该种动物对纯音的频率辨别阈相近。

    In guinea pigs the ability of modulator pitch discrimination seems rather good . At optimal stimulus parameters the guinea pig Δ fam amounts to 3-4 Hz , quite close to its frequency differential thresholds of pure tones .

  14. 正弦调制波的产生采用查表法,仅将1/4周期的正弦波数据存入ROM中,减少了系统的硬件开销。

    Data of sinuous waveforms only in1 / 4 sinuous cycle is required to be stored in ROM so that the internal hardware resource of the FPGA is reduced .

  15. 而对于分布故障,若调制波为单频,则理论上只在啮合频率fm和它的2倍频2fm两侧各形成1个边带;

    But for distributed faults , if modulating wave has single frequency , there is only one sideband in both sides of meshing frequency f m and its doubling frequency 2f m respectively .

  16. 本文主要描述利用FPGA现场可编程门阵列器件作为控制核心,结合DDS数字频率合成技术直接形成SPWM脉宽调制波。

    Combine with the direct digital synthesizer ( DDS ) technology , use field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) chip as control unit , directly generate the sine pulse width modulation ( SPWM ) .

  17. 阐述了三点式四象限变流器的性能、特点及PWM调制波的形成,提出了系统的微机控制方案,建立了系统的数学模型,最后给出了仿真波形。

    It is depicted the performance , characteristics and formation of PWM waveform of 3 level four quadrant converter . A systematic microcomputer control scheme is proposed , and the mathematical model established . Also included is the simulation waveform .

  18. SVPWM实质是一种基于空间矢量在三相正弦波中注入了零序分量的调制波进行规则采样的一种变形SPWM。

    That is to show the implicit modulation wave of SVPWM . SVPWM actually is a transformed SPWM ruly sampled by the modulation wave which is injected by the zero prefaces based on space vectors .

  19. 本文采用不同形式的系统模型来处理PN码数字调制波的功率谱分析问题,导出了一个很简单的表示式。并据此对复码功率谱的特性进行了分析和讨论。

    Different forms of system models are used to tackle the power spectrum analysis of PN code digitally modulated waves and simple expressions are derived , Based on this , the spectra of the complex codes are analysed and discussed .

  20. 在微机控制的变频调速系统中,一般采用SPWM控制方法,即用计算机产生SPWM的有关控制信号,并对正弦调制波进行规则采样处理。

    This paper briefly describes the sampling rules of SPWM Control method in the frequency conversion speed change system , An effective and simple computing method for parameters of pulse duration and amplitude modulation ratio is presented .

  21. 所用的调制波有三种:频率固定的连续或短段正弦波(频率范围40Hz-5kHz),频率变化的短段正弦波及小段语音信号。

    Three kinds of modulator were used : continuous or burst sinusoids of fixed frequency ( in the range of 40 Hz ~ 5 kHz ), short bursts of sinusoids with changing frequency and short segments of speech signal .

  22. 基于优化脉宽调制波的动态解耦矢量控制方法

    A dynamic decomposition vector-controlled method based on optimal PWM voltage waves

  23. 一种三相正弦脉宽调制波的产生方法

    A method for generating three-phase sine pulse width modulation wave

  24. 缓慢调制波在多孔海床上的演化

    Evolution of Slowly Modulated Wave Train on Porous Sea Bed

  25. 新颖的双调制波三电平载波脉宽调制方法

    Novel Double Modulation Wave Three-level Carrier-based Pulse Width Modulation Method

  26. 等腰梯形脉宽调制波控制的变频器研究

    Research on the Converter Controlled by the Isosceles-Trapezoid PWM Wave

  27. 幅度调制波信号的欠采样方法研究

    Non-Nyquist Sampling Method Research on Extent Modulate Wave Signal

  28. 提出了一种基于调制波重构技术新型的单相逆变电源。

    A novel single-phase inverter source based on modulation wave reconstuction technology is proposed .

  29. 电压型高频链逆变器的全数字化双极性双调制波控制策略

    Full Digitalized Biploar Double Modulation Wave Control Strategy for Voltage Mode High-Frequency Link Inverter

  30. 一种基于三电平矢量调制波的多电平调制方法

    A New PWM Scheme for Multi-level Inverter Based on the Modulation Waves of Three-level SVM