
  • 网络Course Objectives;aim;curricular objectives
  1. 课程目标通过使用所有可用的界面监视APC系统

    Lesson objectives Monitor the APC system by using all of the available interfaces

  2. 大学课程目标与内容调查报告&对三所综合性大学本科课程的调查分析

    A Survey Report on the Objectives and Contents of College Courses

  3. 21世纪课程目标:向后现代教育过渡

    Goal of Curriculum in 21st Century : Transition to Postmodern Education

  4. 关于空间与图形课程目标的几点认识

    Some Thoughts on Curricular Aim of " Space and Shape "

  5. 二是对课程目标理论的意义。

    Secondly , with regards to the theory of curriculum objects .

  6. 课程目标是构成课程内涵的第一要素。

    Curriculum objective is the first key factor to form curriculum .

  7. 我国中学地理课程目标改革的探讨

    On the Goal of Middle School Geographic Curriculum Reform in China

  8. 课程目标,数字逻辑,硬件描述语言。

    Course Objectives , Digital Logic , Hardware Description Languages .

  9. 大学体育课程目标价值取向

    Study on the selection of target values of college physical education curriculum

  10. 设计中小学校本课程目标应处理好的几对关系

    Some Relations in Designing School-based Curriculum Objectives in Secondary and Primary Schools

  11. 课程目标是编制课程方案的直接依据。

    Curriculum content is selected according as the course aim .

  12. 贯彻新课程目标要求的思考

    Reflection on Carrying out the Demands of New Curriculum Aims

  13. 讨论教学大纲、课程目标与架构。

    Discussion of the syllabus , course goals and structure .

  14. 课程目标包括八个水平和一个超水平。

    Attainment target includes eight levels and one super level .

  15. 英语课程目标:梳理、阐释与达成

    English Curriculum Objectives : Ordering , Interpreting and Achieving

  16. 教科书是实施教学、实现课程目标的重要资源。

    Textbook is important resources of practicing teaching and achieving the curriculum goal .

  17. 论高中化学课程目标中的情感态度与价值观的培养

    By High School Chemistry Course Goal in Emotion Attitude and Concept of Value

  18. 浅析确定高校双语教学课程目标的依据

    Foundation of Determining the Curriculum Objectives in Bilingual Teaching

  19. 课程目标多元化的台湾化学新教材静态分析

    Static Analysis of New Chemistry Textbooks in Taiwan With Curriculum - purpose Pluralism

  20. 课程目标:构成、研制与实现

    Curriculum Objective : Formation , Development and Realization

  21. 其一,课程目标要体现全球精神;

    Firstly , it requires the curriculum to embody the spirit of the world ;

  22. 论国际中学数学课程目标的改革方向

    On the Orientation of Reform in Course Objectives of Mathematics by International Middle Schools

  23. 语文课程目标的制定与比较

    On Format and Comparison of Chinese Curriculum Objective

  24. 设定合理的化学课程目标;

    To establish reasonable chemistry teaching aims ;

  25. 中日两国百年基础教育体育课程目标比较

    Comparison between China and Japan in Hundred-Year Targets of Physical Education Curriculum in Elementary Education

  26. 课程目标是对教师教学、学生学习所提出的明确要求。

    The curriculum objectives give specific requirements on teachers ' teaching and students ' learning .

  27. 高中地理新课程目标测评研究

    Study of the Assessment for the Aims of New Curriculum of Geography in Senior High School

  28. 对实现体育教育专业武术必修新课程目标对策的思考

    Thoughts of Countermeasures of Realizing the New Teaching Goal of Wushu Compulsory Course Physical Education Speciality

  29. 第二部分分析了现实中课程目标预设与课程目标实现过程中存在的问题。

    Part 2 analyzes the existent problems in the curriculum objective predetermination and curriculum objective realization .

  30. 课程目标及其相关概念辨析

    Course Objective and Its Relevant Concepts