
  • 网络vassal state;ducal state
  1. 《周礼》在汉代最初名为《周官》,它搜集了周王朝及各诸侯国官制,同时糅合儒家的政治理想汇编而成。

    It collected various systems of Zhou Dynasty and all Vassal state and was compiled and mixed with Confucian political ideals .

  2. 为达到强己兼人的目的,各主要诸侯国先后进行了不同程度的变革。

    In order to strengthen self and merger the others , each major vassal state developed different revolutions to different degree at the period .

  3. 邦交在各诸侯国的发展过程中起着非常重要的作用。

    Diplomacy had much function in each development process of various states .

  4. 力量强大的诸侯国一面不断吞并弱小的国家,一面争夺霸权。

    Strong states annexed weak ones and contended for hegemony over all the others .

  5. 各诸侯国为了自己的边境,分别修筑更多的城墙。

    More walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms .

  6. 周朝的君主维持了超过两个世纪对其诸侯国的统治。

    The Zhou kings maintained control over their vassals for more than two centuries .

  7. 历史上曾有20多个诸侯国和朝代

    As many as 20 principalities and dynasties

  8. 最后,非攻主要是反对诸侯国之间的不义之战,认为战争于人于己都有不利。

    Last , negating attack means that the unjust wars are bad for both sides .

  9. 晋国是春秋时期一个非常重要的诸侯国,春秋时期的几次大战几乎都有晋国的参与。

    It is an important chapter of Spring and Autumn period that Jin seek hegemony .

  10. 本文拟在结合传世文献、古文字等材料的基础上,对周王室与诸侯国关系的演变进行探讨。

    The relation between Zhou imperial court and kingdoms ruled by ducks and princes is complicated .

  11. 周平王东迁后,一些诸侯国社会经济迅速发展。

    After the eastward move of King Ping , some vassal states progressed in social economy .

  12. 小的诸侯国修建城墙

    Some kingdoms built huge walls

  13. 后来,勾践在徐州会见各诸侯国国君成为霸主。

    Later , King Gou Jian met the dukes in Xuzhou and gained hegemony among the states .

  14. 民族问题是西周初年周王朝和各主要诸侯国面临的最严重的问题,周王朝为处理民族问题,既提出了一般性原则和方针;

    Ethnic problems are the toughest problems faced with Zhou Dynasty and the major dukedoms in early Zhou Dynasty .

  15. 战国时期(公元前403―221年中国中原地区各诸侯国连年争战的时代)魏国有个名叫更羸的人。

    In the Warring States Period , there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei .

  16. 自291年起,八位诸侯国的首领不断挑起彼此之间的战争。

    From 291 onwards , eight dukes of the royal family stirred up a series of wars against each other .

  17. 战国时期,诸侯国之间相互兼并,国家统一的趋势愈来愈明显。

    During the warring period , the vassal states were merger and this trend of reunification of the states become apparently .

  18. 这一时期,王室衰微,周天子没有力量继续维持统治秩序,各诸侯国以力相争,政出方伯,五霸迭兴,社会进入分裂动乱状态,这就给周边少数民族以发展的机会。

    The king of Zhou had not power to keep order , the society came into the split and disorder period .

  19. 春秋时期周王室与诸侯国关系研究

    A Study on the Relation between Zhou Imperial Court and Kingdoms Ruled by Ducks and Princes in Spring and Autumn Period

  20. 宋国是殷商后裔的封国,在春秋时期是一个比较特殊的诸侯国。

    Song state , as an offspring of Shang Dynasty , is a more special state in Spring and Autumn Period .

  21. 周代令书的制作权最初是由最高统治者天子、诸侯国由诸侯所掌握。

    During the early Zhou Dynasty , the power to compose the documents of official orders lay only in the supreme ruler .

  22. 据史料记载,在此期间,共有36国王被杀,52诸侯国被消灭。

    According to historical records , during this period , a total of thirty-six kings were killed and fifty-two vassal states were demolished .

  23. 这一时期,各诸侯国之间的兼并战争不断深化并逐渐向大一统迈进。

    During this period , the princes of the country between the merger war continued to deepen and gradually to the unification of stride .

  24. 其衰亡既有自身不适应社会发展需要的原因,也有诸侯国统一战争的必然。

    Their decline and demise own to their unfit to social development , also it is the unavoidable result of unifying wars among princedoms .

  25. 巴、楚两国是东周时期南方的两个重要诸侯国,两国地理位置毗邻,交往频繁。

    Ba and Chu , which close geographically and exchange frequently , are two important kingdoms in southern China during the Eastern Zhou Period .

  26. 战国末年,诸侯国之间的贸易极为重要,为繁荣经济、文化的发展做出了巨大贡献。

    The inter-state trade was of great importance and contributed to the cultural and economic flourishing at the end of the Warring States era .

  27. 北方各诸侯国因为这次会议国上了太平的日子,可南方的吴国和越过却又大了起来。

    While the Northern States enjoyed a temporary peace after the meeting , the southern states of Wu and yue , however embroiled in war .

  28. 政治背景是:春秋时期,周王室的威严已经一落千丈,中原各诸侯国之间斗争激烈,都想做中原霸主。

    Political background is : the spring and autumn period , royal majesty has collapsed , all want to be fierce struggle of central overlords .

  29. 战国时期,各诸侯国的变法活动确立了集权专制的统治秩序。

    In the Warring States Period , the activities of the legal changes of the vassal states had established the dominant order of totalitarian autocracy .

  30. 特别是在调解诸侯国关系、树立其形象方面,诚信伦理得到了普遍重视。

    Especially in the respects of mediating in the relationship among marquises states and building up its image , the honest ethics got much weight commonly .