
  1. 其特点表现为:一、中央集权制度的进一步发展;

    These Characteristics are : Firstly , the further development of centralization system .

  2. 这同样是整个国由分裂的封建制度向中央集权制度过度的时期。

    This was also a period of transition from separate feudal regimes to the establishment of a central authority over the whole country .

  3. 本文简要分析了秦朝中央集权制度迅速瓦解的原因,以期获得对秦朝中央集权制度的深刻认识。

    This article briefly analyzed the reason which Qin Dynastys centralization system rapidly disintegration , to obtain profound understand the centralization system of the Qin Dynasty .

  4. 影响该制度不稳定的因素诸多。如传统、专制主义中央集权制度;

    It was limited by many factors , such as tradition 、 autocratic centralization system , bureaucrat class , imperial concubines , eunuch and so on .

  5. 我国的中央集权制度决定了自上而下的课程变革实施必然会在很长一段时间内是我国课程变革的主流。

    Centralization system in China determines that the implementation of the top-down curriculum change will be the mainstream of the Chinese curriculum change for a long time .

  6. 刘邦建立的西汉帝国是中国中央集权制度的开创期,刘氏宗室是这一阶段的特殊群体。

    The western han dynasty established by Liu Bang is the beginning period of the emperor system , and the Liu royal clan is a special groups in this period .

  7. 北宋统一,结束了晚唐以来分裂割据、战乱频仍的局面,建立了一个相对统一的中央集权制度的国家。

    Since the Northern Song Dynasty had unified , it had finished the situation that the state disrupted and the frequent warfare of the late Tang Dynasty , a centralized state power had been established .

  8. 中国的中央专制集权制度形成于一个较为封闭的有着悠久农业文明的国度。

    The Chinese central autocratic system formed in a comparatively conservative country which owned a long agricultural civilization .

  9. 但不管采取什么措施来处理君臣之间的关系,只要专制主义中央集权的制度没有废除,堵塞君臣关系之间矛盾纠纷而产生的漏洞的方法是不可能奏效的。

    But whatever measure was adopted , the leaks produced the conflict in the liege relationship could not be walled up because of the autocratic centralism .

  10. 这样,全国由上到下均置于皇帝及其家族的严密统治之下,中央集权的制度从此确立。

    All the regional governments were subordinate to the central government , which was ruled by the emperor himself . Thus , the centralism came into being .

  11. 长期以来,我国教育的课程制度,是以国家课程为主导、地方或校本课程为补充的中央集权管理制度体系。

    Our curriculum system has experienced centralized administration , which was leaded by the country , supplemented by administration in schools and cities for a long time .

  12. 秦文明作为我国古代文明的主体组成部分之一,对我国传统文化的形成产生了重要影响,并奠定了中央集权政治制度的基础。

    Qin civilization made an important part on the formation of the traditional culture as an integral part of the main body of Chinese ancient civilization . It laid the foundation of a centralized political system .

  13. 在中国传统农业社会中,完善的中央集权政体及其制度,能使统治者将经济管理的触角深入到社会经济生活的各个角落。

    In Chinese conventional agricultural society , perfect concentration of state power and system makes rulers ' power of controlling economic resources spread all aspects of society .

  14. 近代之前,地域社会在经济上是一个自足的生活空间,文化上接受儒家思想和观念,政治上认同中央集权的君主制度。

    Before modern times , the regional society is a self-sufficient living space in economy , accepts Confucianism in culture and in politics approves centralization of monarchy system .

  15. 探讨了《商君书》建构的中央集权国家的基本制度-郡县制、官僚制和法制的基本思想。

    Based on The Book of Shang Yang , the paper also probes into the basic systems of a centralized country , which involves the prefecture system , bureaucratic system and rule-by-law thoughts .

  16. 科举制开创了人类历史上文官政治之先河,选拔了大批优秀人才参政,加强了皇权,是与中央集权的官僚政治制度相适应的取士任官制度。

    The Imperial Examinations ( Keju ) initiated the civilian merit system , the imperial power was strengthened because lots of outstanding were selected to participate in government and political affairs , and this kind of merit system also matched the centralized bureaucratic political system .