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  1. 其后,讨论形式构成与诸作等第的关系,澄清诸作等第的真正含义。

    Second , the relation of the form and the operation order is discussed and the meaning of operation order is explained .

  2. 对影响少年女子短跑运动员100m跑成绩的诸因素作了详细的分析,明确了各因素对100m跑成绩的影响程度,其中起主导作用的是绝对速度。

    A detailed analysis of the factors which influence juvenile girl athletes ′ performance in 100m dash was made to decide the degrees each factor imposed on the performance in 100m . Result showed that the leading factor is absolute speed .

  3. 同时,对D700型系列检测仪器的基本结构,测量原理,主要技术性能和特点以及其他诸方面作了介绍。

    And the basic structure , the testing principle , the main technical characteristics etc of D700 type testing instrument were introduced .

  4. 进而对影响天鹅绒毛坯布、净坯布质量的诸因素作了分析探讨。

    The factors influential to the cloth quality investigated and analysed .

  5. 对影响白蛋白测定的诸因素作了详细研究和讨论。

    The factors of influence on the polarographic determination were investigated and discussed in detail .

  6. 诗103:21你们作他的诸军作他的仆役行他所喜悦的、要称颂耶和华。

    Bless the Lord , all you His hosts , You who serve Him , doing His will .

  7. 对方法的合理性、可行性、单元收敛条件及实用简化方案等诸方面作了初步探讨。

    The rationality and feasibility for the approach , the convergence condition for incompatible models and simplified schemes are studied .

  8. 从口服液的兴起、制剂工艺、质控标准、药理研究、临床药学诸方面作了回顾。

    This paper reviews the rise of oral liquids and their preparations , control standards , pharmacological research and clinical pharmacy , etc.

  9. 对影响上海电网低电压释放的诸因素作了全面细致的分析,提出了相应的对策。

    A thorough and detailed analysis on factors influencing the low voltage load rejection is carried out and the corresponding countermeasures are suggested .

  10. 对产品开发决策程序,建立用户使用基地,建立和完善必需的试验装备,开发人才培养诸方面作了分析。

    The program of the product development , the users'operating base , the improvement of the testing equipments and personnel training are analyzed .

  11. 以不同原料,分别对制备高纯超细氧化铝粉的静态热分解法及喷雾热分解法进行对比研究,对影响粉体质量的诸因素作了具体分析与对比。

    The effects of different raw materials and techniques on character of alumina powder were respectively compared and researched to pyrolysis and spray pyrolysis methods .

  12. 本文对精益生产涉及的设备管理原则、设备配备和布局、设备管理的方法诸方面作了分析。

    The principle of equipment management , the equipment disposition and arrangement and the method of equipment management in lean production is analyzed in this paper .

  13. 本文就该种新工艺所要求的热板机性能,模具设计制造性能,熔接工艺参数的选择、塑件导熔面设计诸方面作了分析,指出了设计中应注意的事项。

    The performances of this hot plate machine and model designing manufacture , the selection of fusion jointing technology parameter , the design of plastic parts fusion guide face etc.

  14. 1994~1995年对引进的黍属资源进行田间植物学特征与生物学特性的观测,对生物产量构成的诸因素作统计分析和综合评价。

    The field botanical and biological characteristics of Panicum resources introduced were observed during 1994 and 1995 ; the factors which were composed of bio-production were statistically analysed and comprehensively evaluated .

  15. 在科技创新、品质管理价格体系、市场营销服务诸方面作了大量规范有效的科学新举措。

    On technological innovation , quality management , price system , and marketing and service , we have taken a large number of standard , effective , scientific and new measures .

  16. 这一“诗内核”与屈原的代表作《离骚》关系重大,并作为屈原辞的本质特征成为了屈原诸辞作的主旋律。

    This " poem core " has a great relationship with QuYuan'representative work LiSao , and has become the leading tone of all QuYuan'poems , being the essential feature of QuYuan poem .

  17. 重点是生物双语教学课程资源研究,分别对生物双语教学课程资源的选择原则、来源、内容、利用、保证措施和教学评价诸方面作了进一步的论述。

    The focal point is curriculum resources research of biological bilingual teaching , the select principle , resources , content , utilization , measures of pledge and teaching evaluation are discussed respectively .

  18. 结合实际工程,从环境设计、功能布局、意象创造等方面探讨了一种全新的动态设计思想与理念,并在建筑的深层内涵和形态操作诸方面作了有益的尝试。

    Combined with concrete engineering projects , this article provides an approach of a new idea of dynamic design based on various sectors of environmental design , functional arrangement , image creation , etc.

  19. 本文试图对建立外向型企业集团的必要性,收益分配,宏观环境和发展升华等诸方面作一系统全面的探讨。

    In this paper , an overall systematic analysis is made of the necessity to establish foreign oriented enterprise groups , its profit distribution , macro circumstances , future development and other aspects .

  20. 作者详细论述了战略管理的目的、级别、指向,并对管理模式的诸要素作了概括性的描述。

    The author of the present article gives a detailed review of the purpose and orientation of strategic adminstration at different levels and a brief description of the elements of the model of administration .

  21. 本文依据史料,对六朝建康的气候、水文、灾害、生态建设及其与社会发展的关系诸方面作了浅显的讨论。

    According to historical data , this article made a simple discussion on the climate , water , natural disasters , ecological , social development and some other aspects of Jian Kang in the Six Dynasties .

  22. 有鉴于此,笔者择取明代南京都察院这一司法机构为研究对象,对其机构沿革、设置及职权诸方面作一初步探究,以抛砖引玉。

    Because of this , the author of this thesis take the Censorate of Court of Censors at Nanjing as the object of research , studies its evolution , set of organization and power on the initial stage .

  23. 论文接下来探析了新时期基层治安问题的产生原因,从思想文化阵地萎缩、基层组织功能退化、犯罪社会成本下降、群众防卫能力衰减、治安法律成本堪忧诸方面作了详细剖析。

    Next , it analyzed a new era of grass-roots public security problems . Shrinking from the ideological and cultural front , grass-roots organizations functional degradation , crime , social costs , the masses defense capability decay , the cost of poor security legal aspects detailed analysis .

  24. 介绍了近年来国内磺化装置在热能回收、采用硫酸装置SO3气体、用布林克多芯纤维除雾器取代静电除雾器处理磺化尾气诸方面所作的努力和工艺流程。

    Works for improving sulfonation units domestically concerning heat energy recovery , utilizing SO_3 from sulfuric acid unit and replacement of electrostatic fog-remover with multi-core-fiber-made remover to treat sulfonation tail gas are introduced . And its process flow diagram is also introduced .

  25. 本文仅就朝鲜族新唱剧的历史沿革、音乐构成、演唱风格等诸方面特点作简要的分析。

    This paper presents a brief analysis of the historical development , musical structure and singing style concerning Korean ethnic groups'new musical play .

  26. 对引水工程中的隧洞、加压泵站、水锤设防诸技术问题作了简介;

    Some technical problems of tunnel , booster pump station , water hammer of the water diversion project are introduced briefly in this paper .

  27. 其三是《知音》篇中提出了较为完整的诗歌批评鉴定理论,对诗歌鉴赏的主体和客体诸方面因素作了细致的分析;

    Thirdly , it puts forward comparatively comprehensive poetic criticism and appreciation theory , giving meticulous analysis of various elements concerning poem appreciation of subject and object .

  28. 最后试图建立物信论的哲学体系,其中包括在本体论、发展观和认识论诸方面所作的解释。

    The author tries to establish a philosophical system of matter information theory , including the interpretation in ontology , the development outlook and the theory of knowledge .

  29. 目前关于英语专业本科翻译教学争论的问题很多,笔者就本科翻译教学诸种问题作了反思。

    At present , there are many discussions concerning the arguments of the undergraduate translation teaching for English major students . Problems concerning undergraduate translation teaching have been rethought respectively .

  30. 本文即以此为主线,在努力发掘新材料的基础上,对涉及马衡与西泠印社社史、私人的诸问题,作较客观、全面的讨论。

    On the basis of his participation , the author uncovers new materials about the history of the society and presents an objective and full exposition of the society 's history .