
  1. 文化方面既有回纥向唐朝的请婚和唐朝的赐婚,又有摩尼教在漠北和中原地区的传播。

    In cultural aspect it concludes not only Uighur asked marriages for Tang dynasty and Tang dynasty responded to the requirement , but also Manicheism spread in northern desert and Chinese Mainland .

  2. 耶稣和的门徒也被请去赴婚筵。

    And Jesus also was invited , as well as his disciples , to the wedding .

  3. 天使吩咐我说,你要写上,凡被请赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了。

    And he saith unto me , Write , Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb .