
qǐng yīng
  • request a cord from the emperor -- submit a request for a military assignment;volunteer for the army;submit a request for a military assignment
请缨 [qǐng yīng]
  • [volunteer for the army;submit a request for a military assignment] 请求交给杀敌任务;自请从军报国

  • 军自请,愿受长缨,必羁南越王而致之阙下。--《汉书.终军传》

请缨[qǐng yīng]
  1. 没人了解DB2,但是我主动请缨。

    None of us had any idea what DB2 was , but I volunteered .

  2. 谢谢你主动请缨,狄格尔先生

    Thank you for offering to fill in , Mr. Diggle .

  3. 嘿,我愿主动请缨去做押解工作。

    Heck , I 'll volunteer to do it myself .

  4. 主动请缨做司仪吧。办公室接手了新项目?

    Working on a new project at the office ?

  5. 我在早餐时主动请缨帮他忙

    and I offered my services over breakfast .

  6. 可如果你主动请缨接受新的挑战,最终却杳无音讯该怎么办?

    What if your offer to take on new challenges falls on deaf ears ?

  7. 你主动请缨听她哭诉至少三回。

    You volunteered to be a shoulder to cry on on no less than three separate occasions .

  8. 布莱恩洛登布舒博士有一个自愿请缨的试验小组,一组食用了85克的牛奶巧克力糖。

    To find out , Raudenbush had a group of volunteers eat 85 grams of milk chocolate .

  9. 为了深入进行教育改革,他主动请缨于1902年出访日本考察学制建设。

    To proceed education reform deeply , he volunteered to visit Japan and investigate educational system in 1902 .

  10. 其中,经验丰富的侦查员杨子荣(张涵予饰)主动请缨去土匪窝中担任卧底。

    Seasoned investigator Yang Zirong ( Zhang Hanyu ) volunteered to go undercover in the bandits ' lair .

  11. 这项辛劳的工作交给了弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔,并不是因为她主动请缨,而是这任务至关重要。

    Florence Nightingale was doing this grueling work because it was vital , not because she had chosen it .

  12. 我希望,精明强干的你们中会有人主动请缨,完成任务。

    I 'm hoping that one of you go-getters will just randomly take the initiative to get things done .

  13. 巡逻队员哭笑不得,匆匆回营。布鲁克斯请缨领一队人去追寻犯事者。

    The embarrassed patrol hurried back to camp where Brooks offered to take a party out in search of the culprits .

  14. 他曾主动请缨,为奥巴马创作竞选广告,但奥巴马的军师大卫•阿克塞尔罗德不太配合,这让乔布斯大为恼火。

    He offered to create Obama 's ad campaign but became annoyed because Obama 's strategist David Axelrod wasn 't sufficiently deferential ( HuffPo )

  15. 他对苏格兰贵族宣布为了苏格兰的统治稳定,玛丽有必要找个丈夫,他主动请缨出任这个角色。

    And he announced to the Scottish lords that for the proper government of the country it was necessary for Mary to have a husband.Very decently , he offered himself for the job .

  16. 任少校后他主动请缨前往越南,他意识到当地的革命气氛同样孕育在他一穷二白的祖国。

    As a major , he volunteered for Vietnam , where he realized for Vietnam , where he realized that the same conditions that fed revolution there also existed in his own impoverished country .