
  • 网络Trap;fly trap
  1. 美洲大蠊诱捕器及诱饵的研究

    The Research of Trap and Bait to Periplaneta Americana

  2. 最不敏感的是诱捕器成虫捕获量。

    The adult catches in trap were the most insensitive to the environmental factors .

  3. 试验结果表明,从诱杀斜纹夜蛾效果来看,以放置宁波斜纹夜蛾性诱剂和UMT-B诱捕器诱蛾效果最好;

    The results showed that the Ningbo Prodenia litura pheromone and UMT-B trap worked best based on the trapping effect .

  4. 水蒸汽蒸馏提取法和溶剂提取法得到14种试验引诱试验样品,在室内用多孔道诱捕器引诱试验测定,最后筛选出A1、E1等对桑天牛的取食引诱效果最佳。

    14 lure samples were collected by means of vapour distillation and solvent extrac-tion . Using multi-passage trap , the indoor luring tests of the samples showed that the eat-ing attractant effects of A1 , E1 et al . to Apriona germari were the best .

  5. 诱捕器深深地嵌入了兔子的肉里。

    The trap had cut deeply into the rabbit 's flesh .

  6. 几种诱捕器对储粮害虫诱捕效果的评价

    Evaluation of effects of several kinds of traps on stored grain pests

  7. 诱捕器的摆放密度对于诱捕器的诱捕效果影响显著。

    The density of traps has great influence on trap catching effect .

  8. 碎麦诱捕器在不同虫口密度下诱捕效果明显不同。

    Lure effects of trap with creaked wheat depend on different population density .

  9. 利用人工合成性信息素诱捕器诱捕印度谷螟的影响因素分析

    Analysis of factors affecting captures of Plodia interpunctella by synthetic sex pheromone traps

  10. 同时,我国利用各种塑料瓶研制了多种多样的诱捕器。

    Moreover , many traps are manufactured by various plastic bottles in China .

  11. 两种不同颜色杯形诱捕器对落叶松球果花蝇诱捕效果的比较

    The Trapping Effects of Two Different Color Cup Traps on Larch Cone Flies

  12. 斜纹夜蛾性信息素诱捕器田间应用技术

    Application techniques of traps with sex pheromone of Spodoptera litura in the field

  13. 三角形诱捕器诱捕雄蛾的效果明显优于双层圆盘形和双层船形的诱捕效果;

    Triangle traps were much more effective than double disc and boat shape traps .

  14. 苍蝇诱捕器灭蝇效果观察

    Efficacy of fly trap against flies

  15. 棉田斜纹夜蛾性引诱剂诱捕器的研究

    Study on pheromone trap devices of Spodoptera litura in cotton field Q & A on Sex

  16. 并针对仿马氏诱捕器在蝴蝶群落多样性调查上的应用进行了讨论。

    Then , the cloned Malaise trap used to investigate butterfly community diversity was discussed . 3 .

  17. 但是,诱捕器是否可以捕捉到很多的蚊子,致使蚊子种群的数量明显下降,诺尔斯持对此有怀疑态度。

    But he 's skeptical that traps can ever catch enough mosquitoes to make a serious dent in populations .

  18. 重点介绍了探管诱捕器、物引诱剂、息素探管诱捕器以及电子检测系统的研究和开发。

    Reserch and development on probe traps , food attractants , pheromone probe traps and electronic detecting system were introduced .

  19. 3种性诱捕器诱捕苹果蠹蛾效果比较及成虫的时序动态变化

    Efficiency of three types of pheromone traps in capturing adult codling moth , Laspeyresia pomonella , and it 's development

  20. 引诱剂和诱捕器是实蝇类害虫监测、调查和防治中最重要的手段之一,被广泛采用。

    As one of the major measures in monitoring , investigating and controlling the fruit flies , baits and traps are extensively adopted .

  21. 本文主要比较了山顶、山腰和山脚不同海拔高度放置诱捕器的诱捕效果;

    Luring effect and trapped adults were compared in different locations i.e. the mountain ridge , the mountainside and the base of mountain .

  22. 在田间试验中每公顷使用10&15个梨小食心虫性信息素水碗诱捕器。

    10-15 water bowl traps baited with the synthetic sex pheromone of the oriental fruit moth per hectare were used in the field trials .

  23. 考虑到笼罩诱捕器的高效、稳定和简易,作者希望在我国尽快将其用于进行棉铃虫成虫的标准化监测。

    Considering its catching efficiency , stability and feasibility , the authors suggested to utilize an improved cone trap in monitoring program for the bollworm .

  24. 另外进行的田间实验表明寄主植物挥发性物质对蚜虫性信息素诱蚜效果有影响,当荆芥内酯诱捕器同时释放桃叶挥发物时,诱到的桃蚜雄蚜数量明显增加。

    Another field trial had shown that catches were increased if volatiles from a steam distilled extract of peach leaves were released simultaneously with nepetalactone .

  25. 在利用植物气味源作害虫测报和防治中,近年来一种简单价廉的粘胶诱捕器己成为多种害虫的标准测报工具。

    Using plant volatile for monitoring and controlling insect pests , simple inexpensive sticky traps have become standard monitoring tools for many insect pests in recent years .

  26. 结果表明,诱捕器内需要合适的引诱剂浓度方可取得最佳的引诱效果,且与气温关系密切。

    The results revealed that the best attractiveness effect to oriental fruit fly could be obtained by appropriate ME concentration in traps and closely related to temperature .

  27. 观察研究了番石榴园桔小实蝇性引诱剂诱捕器悬挂高度和生态环境类型对诱集效果的影响。

    Influence of the height and location on the methyl eugenol to attract oriental fruit fly , Bactrocera ( Bactrocera ) dorsalis ( Hendel ) males were observed in this paper .

  28. 自行设计的简易橡胶小蠹虫诱捕器具有携带轻便、操作简单、可循环利用、不污染环境等特点,且其成本低廉,有广阔的应用推广前景。

    A light , simple , recyclable , no pollution simple rubber borers trap was designed and made in the article , and it is low cost and wide application prospect . 4 .

  29. 唐纳利-科因说,打破窗户或是让窗户清洁工去救它太冒险了,所以大厦管理人员把装了猫粮的诱捕器放在屋顶上,希望这种气味能引诱它爬完剩下两层。

    Breaking out a window or sending down window cleaners would have been too risky , Ms. Donnelly-Coyne said , so officials baited live traps with cat food and placed them on the roof . They hoped the smell would lure the animal up another two floors .

  30. 以合成蚕蛾醇进行田间引诱试验,亦具引诱活性,诱捕率为2.3~3.5雄/天/诱捕器。

    The field test showed that the synthetic compound also had attractiveness for males ( captured rate was 2.3-3.5 males / day / trap . ) .