
  • 网络voice call;voice communication;volte
  1. 基于智能手机的BT功能可以有更广泛的应用(如:BT网络游戏、BT网络聊天、BT语音通话等)。

    BT function based on smart phone may be more extensive applications ( such as BT network game , BT network chat , BT voice call , and so on . ) .

  2. 通过微信,用户可以发文字信息、相互间语音通话、支付,还可与“机器人程序”互动,而脸书上周才发布了类似“聊天机器人”的功能。

    The app allows people to text and voice call each other , make payments , and interact with " bots " - a similar feature to what Facebook unveiled last week .

  3. 当蠢笨且表情夸张的日本动漫人物遇上免费短信和语音通话技术,两者的结晶就是日本唯一一款在海外大热的应用&连我(Line)。

    What do you get if you cross emoting , goofy manga characters with free messaging and calls ?

  4. 支持Internet浏览电子邮件、电子文档、语音通话、视频会议等多种高速数据业务,实现即时的手机终端多媒体信息传送。

    Support Internet browsing , e-mail , video conferencing , voice and other high-speed data services , multimedia instant messaging mobile terminals .

  5. 随着VoIP技术的不断成熟,使得用Internet连接代替传统的电话线进行语音通话成为可能。

    Because the VoIP technique continuously mature , it is possible to replaces the traditional telephone network with the Internet .

  6. 该系统采用USB总线实现主机与用户电话的连接,改变了以往PC机端耳机和麦克风模式的语音通话,方便了用户的使用。

    In this system , USB is conveniently used to connect PC and user telephone rather than earphone and microphone .

  7. 实现了以POF为传输介质的语音通话,并收到了非常好的效果。

    At last , phonic communication with POF as its media was realized and good effect was achieved .

  8. 舍恩表示,你能够监听全套服务,包括电子邮件、语音通话、短信息和直接从黑莓到黑莓的PIN信息(这类信息经另一路径传递)。

    You can get the whole suite of services , including email , voice calls , text messages and direct BlackBerry-to-BlackBerry PIN messages , which take another route , he said .

  9. 世界很多地方已经厌烦了有关第三代无线技术(3G)的宣传。据称,除了基础的语音通话和文字短信以外,3G能让手机具有很多其它功能。

    Much of the world has grown tired of the hype surrounding third-generation wireless technology that supposedly makes mobile phones capable of far more than basic voice calls and text messaging .

  10. 微软宣布以85亿美元收购互联网语音通话服务提供商Skype,这一并购是微软36年的历史上最大数额的单笔并购交易。

    NEW YORK & Microsoft has agreed to buy the popular Internet telephone service Skype for $ 8.5 billion in the biggest deal in the software maker 's 36-year history .

  11. 完成后的无线传真平台能够进行语音通话,还可以给G3传真机发送外部RAM中存储的传真文件。

    The finished facsimil terminal can complete voice communication with any telephone subscriber , and aslo send the fax file of the facsimile file stored in outside RAM to a G3 fax-machine in PSTN network .

  12. 系统采用windowsSockets网络编程接口(WinSockAPI),构建了移动终端与中心主控端之间的通信和控制平台,实现了卫星网络接入终端管控、语音通话、远程电子白板等功能。

    The system uses Windows Sockets Application Programming Interface ( WinSock API ) to build a communication and control platform between Client and Server . The main functions of the system are Satellite Terminal Control , Voice Calls and Remote Whiteboard .

  13. 实现了电路交换域(主要完成语音通话)计费、分组交换域(主要完成GPRS部分)服务计费、增值服务域(本文以彩信为例)计费。

    The dissertation implemented the circuit-switched domain charging ( the main part of language-call ), the packet-switched domain service charging ( the main part of the GPRS ), and the value-added services domain charging ( MMS as an example in this paper ) .

  14. 随着3G时代的来临,传统的语音通话即将退出无线通讯中的首席地位,而新兴的可视电话技术会取而代之成为沟通的重要手段。

    As the third generation communication ( 3G ) technology comes into a new era , traditional voice calls are getting out of the chief position in the wireless communication , while video phone technology is taking the place which has been an important means of communication .

  15. 本文以微软外包项目为背景,该项目要求为MSNMessenger的语音通话实现对内网的穿越,即设计一个内嵌在MSNMessenger中的VoIP通信模块。

    This paper takes Microsoft outsource as a background , the requirement of project is implement of passing through Intranet in voice communication of MSN Messenger , namely we shall design a VoIP communication module which is set into MSN Messenger .

  16. 介绍GSTN视频电话系统中Modem控制软件的实现,重点讨论V.80协议及Modem由语音通话切换到多媒体通话的过程。

    In this paper we discuss how to design the Modem control Software of the GSTN videophone , we also lay stress on the V.80 protocol and on how to switch form voice connect to data connect .

  17. 除了安全补丁之外,最新更新的OSX操作系统也增添了使用苹果公司FaceTime服务进行语音通话的功能,同时还对苹果Mail软件和Safari浏览器进行了完善。

    In addition to the security fix , the latest OS X update also adds the ability to make audio calls on Apple 's FaceTime service as well as other improvements to its Mail software and Safari browser .

  18. 拥有触摸屏显示器,可以链接网络,可使用wifi,可以下载应用软件,可以照相,可以语音通话,可以发送短信。而且还包含有鲜见的双卡双待功能。

    It has a touchscreen display , it connects to the internet , uses WiFi , candownload apps , takes photographs and makes voice calls and text messages . It also has the rare feature of twoSim-card slots which enables the user to swap between two networks and twophone numbers .

  19. 一种提高无线网络语音通话数量的方法

    A Method for Enhancing the Capacity of VoIP in Wireless LANs

  20. 这在进行语音通话时会让图片显示更清晰。

    These result in a clearer picture for voice calls .

  21. 移植后的驱动程序也能完成基本的语音通话功能。

    The driver which is transplanted can complete basic function of voice communication .

  22. 远程语音通话实时说话人确认系统研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Real-time Speaker Verification System Based on Remote Voice Communication

  23. 该法案允许在飞机上发短信和进行其他数据应用操作,但禁止语音通话。

    The bill would have allowed texting and other data applications but banned voice calls .

  24. 不过,移动运营商们也不愿加快以利润微薄的互联网使用替换利润丰厚的语音通话。

    But mobile operators are also reluctant to speed the replacement of high-margin voice calls with low-margin Internet use .

  25. 它的出现,改变了手机语音通话的单一功能,并且以承担人际传播和大众传播双重功能而进入人们的视野,给人们的生活和传统新闻传播带来很大的变革。

    Its appearance changes cell-phone single function of talking , and undertakes both interpersonal communication and mass communication function .

  26. 尽管如此,多年后仍有相当多的忠实用户在使用没有语音通话功能的黑莓手机。

    However , for years after that even many devoted Blackberry handset users maintained a separate cell phone for voice .

  27. 美国每年手机通话的时长共计2.26万亿分钟,这些语音通话为无线运营商带来了1090亿美元的收入。

    Voice calls - Americans chat on cellphones 2.26 trillion minutes annually - generate $ 109 billion for the wireless carriers .

  28. 未来电信运营商将会在发展基本的语音通话业务之余,大力创新移动增值业务。

    It can be foreseen that telecom operators in the future will aggressively innovate mobile value-added services besides developing basic voice communication business .

  29. 语音通话技术作为当前人们日常交流的最基本途径,其安全性正逐渐受到越来越多的行业重视。

    As the most basic way to daily communicate , the security of voice communications is attached importance by more and more industries .

  30. 另外本文也为实现简单、可靠、性能好、满足语音通话等需要为目的的数字移动终端开发,提供了一种研究思路。

    Moreover , this paper provides a research approach for the terminal design which is to achieve easy , reliable , high-performance voice communication .