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yǔ yán fēnɡ ɡé
  • style of language;locution
  1. 这是电视通俗的语言风格。

    It is television 's demotic style of language .

  2. 一种人工的,优雅的语言风格。

    Any artificially elegant style of language .

  3. 她喜欢那位诗人的优美的语言风格。

    She liked the poet 's beautiful language .

  4. 错误处理是Java编程中最令人困惑的问题之一,也是真正地将语言风格大师与平凡开发者区分开来的一道门槛。

    Error handling is one of the most confused issues in Java programming , and one that really separates the master stylists of the language from the grunters and mumblers .

  5. 由于Scala融合了对象和函数语言风格,我实际上建模了Person(如上所述),但并未创建子类型。

    Due to Scala 's fusing of objects and functional-language styles , I could actually model my Person , as described above , but without creating subtypes .

  6. 针对具体的应用,能灵活的配置Wishbone总线,自动生成不同语言风格的总线的IP模块,极大地提高了Wishbone总线IP的设计效率。

    According to a specific system , the wishbone bus is flexibly configured to generate different style target HDLs automatically , which greatly improves the wishbone bus design .

  7. 此语言风格是映射(mapping)运算与减(reduction)或折叠(folding)运算相结合的一个示例,其中将一个联接运算符(比如sum或max)成对应用到了一个值序列。

    This idiom is an example of a mapping operation combined with a reduction or folding operation , whereby an associative operator ( such as sum or max ) is applied pairwise to a sequence of values .

  8. 前一阵子,正在我写专栏称赞苹果平实的语言风格的时候,史蒂夫乔布斯(stevejobs)正在与一个女生电子邮件往来。

    Last week , at the very moment I was writing a column praising apple for its plain way with words , Steve Jobs was entering into an e-mail exchange with a young woman that took plainness to a whole new level .

  9. 对于同样的开幕式场景及其文化展示,中国中央电视台与美国NBC电视台的开幕式解说词的语言风格却截然不同。

    However , to the same scenes and culture show , the language styles of commentaries of China Central Television ( CCTV ) and National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) were totally different .

  10. 教师语言风格的成熟稳定自于两方面:一方面是潜在因素;

    Maturity of teachers ' verbal style derives from two aspects ;

  11. 大学英语写作中英汉语言风格的跨文化差异

    Differences between Chinese and English language styles in college English writing

  12. 杨绛文学语言风格谈

    Pure and Natural Language Style on Yang Jiang 's Literary Style

  13. 凝炼&公文的语言风格浅议

    A brief comment on the condensed language style of official document

  14. 中式菜肴语言风格特征及其英译技巧

    Discussion on Stylistic Features of Food Terms and Methods of Translation

  15. 莫言的小说以语言风格独特而著称。

    Mo Yan 's novels are famous for their unique speech styles .

  16. 论《茶馆》语言风格的等效翻译

    On the Equivalent Effect Translation of the Language Style of Tea House

  17. 华丽与朴素是文学语言风格的两种基本审美表现形态。

    Floweriness and plainness are two basic aesthetic forms of literary languages .

  18. 样板戏繁富丰厚的语言风格特征

    The stylistic characteristics of discourse richness of the Model Drama

  19. 三个不同人生阶段,三种不同语言风格

    Three Different Life Stages , Three Different Linguistic Styles

  20. 广播电视新闻英语的语言风格

    The Language Style of Radio & TV English News

  21. 新闻通讯语言风格初探

    A Tentative Discussion on the Language Style of Newsletter

  22. 曼斯菲尔德的叙事策略和语言风格

    On the Narrative Strategy and Stylistic Features of Mansfield

  23. 修辞格的使用最能体现作者的语言风格。

    The use of rhetoric can most reflect the writer 's language style .

  24. 专断的教诲与批判的汲取&斯泰因与海明威语言风格比较

    The Comparison of Language Style between Stein and Hemingway

  25. 电影导演的意图决定了电影对白的语言风格。

    The intentions of director will affect the language style of film dialogues .

  26. 朴素与简炼&契诃夫作品语言风格一隅

    Plainness and Conciseness & View through the Language Style of Chekhov 's Works

  27. 本文在分析了大量英语招聘广告的基础上归纳了其在句法和语言风格方面呈现的特点。

    This paper summarizes the linguistic and stylistic features of English job advertisements .

  28. 论铁凝小说的语言风格

    On the Language Style of Tie Ning ' Novels

  29. 1949年以来语言风格定义研究述评

    A Review on the Studies of the Definition of Language Style Since 1949

  30. 关于教学语言风格的探讨

    Exploratory Discussion about the Lecture Speech Style in Teaching