
yǔ yán yì shù
  • language arts
  1. 现代视听媒体语言艺术的亲和力研究

    Research on Affinity of the Modern Audiovisual Media Language Arts

  2. 这些标准主要是为英语语言艺术学科和数学设立的。

    The standards are for English language arts and math .

  3. 下一个吸引他眼球的课程是"语言艺术"。

    The next course to catch his eye was " Language Art " .

  4. 它那璀灿优美的语言艺术,真可谓“天地妙文”。

    Its brilliant elegant lingual art can be called " Great works " .

  5. 简练之美是语言艺术的一个高峰。

    The beauty of simplicity is a peak of language art .

  6. 语言艺术化的两个维度及其在翻译中的解读

    Two Devices to Achieve Language Art and their Interpretation in Translation

  7. 当代流行歌曲歌词的语言艺术

    The Art of Language in the Lyrics of Current Pop Songs

  8. 论军事体育教学中讲解法的语言艺术

    Language Art of Teaching Method of Explaining in Military Physical Education

  9. 论佛教文化对三言语言艺术的渗透

    Pervasion of Buddhism Culture to the " Sanyan " Language Art

  10. 因此,教师应具有良好的语言艺术特色。

    For this reason , teachers should have good language artistic characteristics .

  11. 语文教学语言艺术探微

    An Exploration on the Art of Teacher Talk for Chinese Language Teaching

  12. 《画梦录》的语言艺术

    On the language art of the Record of Portraying Dreams

  13. 毕飞宇前期小说语言艺术论

    Commentary on the Art of language in Bi Feiyu 's Early Novels

  14. 论高校管理者的语言艺术修养

    On the Language Cultivation for Administrators of Colleges and Universities

  15. 论田径教学中语言艺术的特点

    Discussion on the features of language in teaching of track and field

  16. 谈人体语言艺术在图书馆服务工作中的作用

    On the Impact of Body Language Art upon Library Service

  17. 广告语言艺术是商品经济大潮语言研究中的一个热门课题。

    Advertisement language art is a hot issue in the commodity economy trend .

  18. 商用广告英语语言艺术的句法表现策略探讨

    Exploration on Strategies for Syntactic Representation of Linguistic Arts in Commercial Advertising English

  19. 数学教学语言艺术漫谈

    Some Thoughts on the Arts of Mathematics Teaching Language

  20. 萧红小说的语言艺术体现了她作为一名作家的语言智慧。

    The language art of Xiao hong 's novels embody her lingual wisdom .

  21. 富有亲和力的语言艺术技巧。

    Third , the language artistry rich in affinity .

  22. 加强语言艺术修养提高课堂教学质量

    Enhancing Culture of Language Art , Improving Education Quality

  23. 导游艺术是一门实际运用的语言艺术。

    Skills in tour guide is some kind of art created by language .

  24. 论教学语言艺术的魅力构成系统

    Elements That Make up the Art of Teaching Language

  25. 运用语言艺术提升高校图书馆管理服务水平

    Promoting the Management and Service Level of University Library with the Linguistic Art

  26. 相声语言艺术浅谈

    On the Art of Speech of Chinese Cross Talk

  27. 语言艺术和音乐艺术的文化融合产生了声乐作品;

    The cultural melting of language art and musical art produces vocal compositions ;

  28. 演讲作为一门有声语言艺术是一项艰苦的劳动。

    As one of the vocal language arts , speech is an arduous labour .

  29. 现代护士必须注重语言艺术

    Modern Nurses Must Pay Attention to Language Skill

  30. 探索少数民族大学生思想政治理论课教学语言艺术的新路径

    Exploring Language Arts Applied In Teaching Thought Political Theory Class For Ethnic Minority Students