
His systemic linguistics emphasizes the social functions of language .
OK , next time we are going to discuss the social functions of body language .
From social use of language , cultural distinctions are most prominent and widespread at lexical levels .
The Influence of Social Function of Language on the Choice of Morphemes in the Cross-national Communication in Xinjiang
Even though many researchers have noticed the social functions of formulaic language , but very few of them use Systemic Functional Linguistics ( hereafter SFL ) to explain it .
Meanwhile it puts forward the problem of macroscopic study in contrast and its important methods-the contrastive study should be carried out together with the social function of the language and the linguistic psychology .
Interpersonal function is an important social function of language .
Analysis of social reflections in language from the transmutation of " Xiao Jie "
Teachers ought to endeavor to create an environment in which learners can learn the sociocultural functions of language .
On the other hand , in recent years , the communicative approach , which emphasizes the communicative function and applying function , has become more and more popular in language teaching .
This paper is to , on the basis of the analysis of urban popular expressions , further prove the social reflection function of language by having a restricted view on politics , economy , value orientation and cultural concepts in time of great social transform .
The Social Function of Linguistic Program in Spring Festival
It conceives of a text as the basic unit and discloses the linguistic nature and social functions from the interaction of text and context .
Language can realize certain social functions , and the most important one is interpersonal function , by which people can establish and maintain their social status and relations .
It illustrates the language system through describing the patterns of language use in specified context . Its view and approach provides researchers with favorable guidance to analyze various styles .
Vocabulary / word meaning , context , name , relationship , thinking , language function , social function , and the pragmatics of the principles of cooperation , politeness principle , as well as some of the communicative aspects of theoretical ideas .
It makes us consider language not only in terms of its structures but also in terms of the communicative functions that it performs .
When compared with daily language , literature language stresses its poetic sense and latter the communicative function .
In this paper , the internal system of language , the language of form and structure analysis . language as a social function and also other external factors are discussed .
Standard language , social classes and education , males and females and power and solidarity are the factors which exert influences on social function and attribute of language .