
shī cí gē fù
  • verses, ditties, odes and songs -- the four forms of poetry
诗词歌赋[shī cí gē fù]
  1. 在中国文学里,与莲有关的诗词歌赋,更是不计其数。

    In Chinese literature , there are much more lotus-related poetries .

  2. 虽学过了诗词歌赋,却赞不完对老师的爱。

    Although has studied the poems and songs , actually cannotapprove to teacher the love .

  3. 马钰自己也创作了大量的诗词歌赋,文以载道,劝化世人。

    Ma Yu himself also composed a lot of poems to preach and advise the people .

  4. 桑蚕丝绸作为重要的生活内容,一直是历代诗词歌赋中的重要题材。

    As an important part of life contents , Silkworm and silk is an important theme in china ancient poetry .

  5. 这些音乐控通过不同的乐队和音乐体裁来区分自己与其他人,比如什么瑞典诗词歌赋歌剧。

    Music Geeks specialize in bands and genres of music never heard of before , such as Swedish fugal opera .

  6. 无论是从文学上还是语言学上分析,意象都是诗词歌赋的最小单元,也是重要组成部分。

    Either analyzed from literature or linguistics , image is both the smallest part of poetry and the most significant component .

  7. 不但剧情扣人心弦,剧中有关诗词歌赋、服装礼仪、中医用药等内容也让观众们大开眼界。

    Through the thrilling story , audiences can also learn about ancient Chinese poetry , wardrobes , court etiquettes , and herbal medicine .

  8. 在诗词歌赋、曲小说、画、间艺术等很多艺术形式中都能领略到风筝的风采。

    We will appreciate the elegance of kite from many art forms such as song poem , opera novel , painting and civilian art .

  9. 历代文人对松江鲈鱼的风味评价极高,并在诗词歌赋中寄托思乡之恋。

    The literators through the ages spoke highly of the flavor of Songjiang perch and found sustenance of missing their native land in their poems and songs .

  10. 诗词歌赋中广为传诵的多佛白崖对面就是多佛海峡,位于隔断英法的海峡最窄处。

    The famous white cliffs , immortalized in song and verse , face the Strait of Dover , the narrowest point of the Channel separating England and France .

  11. 一些套路有不同的风格,演变,行动名字,特征,移动的方式,并且技术理论,一些有明显地显示图片和诗词歌赋。

    Some works wrote its genres , evolution , action names , characteristic , moving ways and technical theories , some had pictures and verses to show the action clearly .

  12. 在“花运”的作品中,往往是将人体、绘画、化妆造型、音乐、舞蹈,有时还会把诗词歌赋、戏剧、戏曲等元素都融合在一起。

    In Lucky Flower works , usually mix human body , painting , make-up , music , dance , and sometimes poetry , drama , Chinese opera and other elements together .

  13. 几个世纪以来,在竹这一形象的激发下,无数文人骚客创作了大量诗词歌赋,以表达对竹子纯洁、优雅之气的赞美。

    Throughout the centuries , bamboo has inspired the imagination of artists , while men of letters have written poetry and prose to express their admiration for the purity and elegance of bamboo .

  14. 以牡丹为题材的神话传说,诗词歌赋,千古传诵不辍,堪称花文化中之最。

    Take the peony as the theme myth fable , the poems and songs , the eternity will be on everybody 's lips ceaselessly , will may be called in the flowered culture .

  15. 它形式活泼多样,可以是童谣歌谚,也可以是诗词歌赋,有时甚至是儿童游戏之语;

    It had various lively form , it could be a song proverb of children 's folk rhymes , could be poems , ditties , odes or songs , it even could be the languages of games of children sometimes ;

  16. 中文旅游资料中包含了大量的文化信息,如:历史典故,神话传说,诗词歌赋,民情习俗等,这些最能代表中国文化,也是吸引游客的一个重要因素。

    Translation of Chinese tourist materials contain a great deal of cultural information , such as : history , myths and legends , poetry , customs and so on . These are the things that foreign tourists show great interested in .

  17. 研究中国古代体育,除正史、野史等历史文献外,古代诗词、歌赋、笔记、戏曲、小说等各类文学作品,亦是重要的研究资料。

    Study on ancient Chinese sports , in addition to history and unofficial historical documents , such as the ancient poetry , notes , drama and fiction and other kinds of literary works , etc. are also the important research data .