
sù sònɡ zhōnɡ jié
  • termination of litigation;conclusion of a lawsuit;termination of action
  1. 第五,采用被申请人主动履行债务导致本案诉讼终结的规定;

    Fifthly , regulation , which is about the respondents who carry out the debt actively and end the action , should be used .

  2. 柬埔寨红色高棉法庭对杜赫的第一次审判进入最后一周,律师对数月的证据取证进行了诉讼终结。

    The first trial at Cambodia 's Khmer Rouge tribunal is entering its final week , with lawyers giving closing arguments after months of testimony .

  3. 第四节诉讼中止和终结

    Section 4 Suspension and Termination of Litigation

  4. 首先界定了撤诉的概念,接着论述撤诉的主体、客体和时间三个构成要件。之后分析撤诉的性质,指出撤诉是一种原告单方的、产生诉讼法上诉讼终结效果的诉讼行为。

    At first the author defined the concept of withdrawal , and then discussed the subject , object and time of the Withdrawal , followed with analysis on the nature of withdrawal , which is a plaintiffs unilateral action resulting in case closing effect according to the procedural law .

  5. 既判力理论是民事诉讼领域中一个极为重要的基本理论问题,如果说诉权论是关于诉讼出发点的理论,那么既判力理论可以说是诉讼终结点的理论。

    The theory of res judicata is a most important fundamental problem in the civil litigation , If theories of lawsuit rights are concerning the beginning of litigation , the theories of res judicata are concerning its termination .