
  • 【法】discontinuance of action limitation
  1. 撤诉与诉讼时效中断&一则法结构主义分析的实例

    Withdrawal of the Case and Discontinuance of Limitation of Action-an applying example of legal structuralism

  2. 通过运用结构主义的方法,分析撤诉与诉讼时效中断的相关法律条文,从而发现当中的深层结构方式。

    The methods of structuralism were used to analyze the clause of withdrawal of the case and discontinuance of limitation of action , and the deep structure was found in the clause .

  3. 对我国《民法通则》关于起诉引起诉讼时效中断规定的反思与重构对于诉讼时效起算点和期间变动宜进一步具体化和细致化。

    Introspection and Reconstruction about the Discontinuation of Limitation of Action Brought by Starting an Action in General Principles of the Civil Law ; The starting-point and duration-change of civil prescription in our country should be particularized and concrete .

  4. 撤诉后债权诉讼时效是否中断

    Whether or not Time Effect Is Interrupted After Withdrawal of Lawsuits

  5. 但诉讼时效的中断而导致的诉讼时效期间的延长并不是无限度的,应限定在一定的时间内。

    However , the limitation extension caused by the interruption of actions is not unlimited , it should be limited to a certain period of time .

  6. 法院审查撤诉的程序,撤诉是否导致诉讼时效的中断相关法律都未明确规定,造成了司法实践的混乱,危害到司法权威的树立和维护。

    Court to review the withdrawal of the program , withdrawal is causing interruption of limitation neither clearly defined laws , judicial practice , the confusion caused , harm to the judicial authority of the establishment and maintenance .

  7. 文章对胁从犯、共犯过限、聚众犯罪,涉及共同犯罪诉讼时效的中断、二次修正的犯罪构成等值得关注的问题进行了全新的审视与思考。

    The thesis makes a totally original perception and thinking on the following issues : coerced accomplice , accomplice excessive , assembling a crowd for committing a crime , the interruption of the running of the statue of limitation , the twice revised constitution of a crime .

  8. 同时,诉讼时效的中止、中断与当事人对已过诉讼时效的债务的重新确认是完全不同的事情,应予严格区别。

    Moreover , we should strictly differentiate among suspension , inter-ruption and parties ' reaffirmation of the debts having exceeded the limitation period of action .