
  • 网络literacy;the literacy rate
  1. 那里的识字率居中美洲之首。

    The literacy rate there is the highest in Central America .

  2. 蒸汽印刷机还处于早期阶段;英国的识字率不到50%。

    The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages ; the literacy rate in England was under 50 % .

  3. 经济合作与发展组织(organisationforeconomicco-operationanddevelopment)的研究显示,英国15岁青少年的识字率与计算水平大致与德国相当(高于法国的水平)。

    Studies by the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development show that levels of literacy and numeracy among 15-year-olds are about the same as in Germany ( and higher than in France ) .

  4. 忻州市PQLI最低为86.31,婴儿死亡率最高(25.81‰),识字率最低(91.19%);

    The lowest PQLI was 86.31 in Xinzhou , the highest infant mortality was 25.81 ‰ and the lowest literacy was 91.91 % .

  5. 学校教学重点是早期识字率。

    The Instructional Focus at the school is on early literacy .

  6. 这个国家的国民识字率位居世界前列。

    The country boasts one of the world 's highest literacy rates .

  7. 全国识字率提高了5个百分点。

    The national literacy rate improves by five percentage points .

  8. 教育受到高度重视,居民的识字率实际上达到百分之百。

    Education is highly prized , and literacy is virtually 100 percent .

  9. 哪个国家的女性识字率最低?

    Which of these countries has the lowest literacy rate among women ?

  10. 卡塔尔识字率逐渐上升。

    Qatar has an increasingly high literacy rate .

  11. 低识字率是低发展水平的原因之一。

    One of the reasons for its low development is its low literacy rate .

  12. 印度的识字率不足70%,落后于中国。

    The literacy rate of less than 70 per cent trails that of China .

  13. 识字率上升;预期寿命上升;家庭规模稳定。

    Literacy is up ; life expectancy is up ; family size is stabilising .

  14. 尽管如此,许多发展中国家的妇女识字率却令人叹息。

    Despite this , in many developing countries , the literacy rate for women is abysmal .

  15. 卡诺的妇女识字率为10%,失业率为40%。

    The literacy rate for women in Kano is10 % , and the unemployment rate is40 % .

  16. 儿童教育和识字率目标理应列在全球健康和社会发展议程的优先位置。

    Childhood education and literacy targets are rightly a high priority on the global health and social agenda .

  17. 衡量教育的发展则要结合成就(成人识字率)与机会(入学率)。

    Educational development is measured as a combination of attainment - Adult Literacy - and opportunity - enrolment .

  18. 换句话说,美国能很快改变这种可悲识字率的机会看起来很渺茫;

    The chance of America changing that dismal ratio anytime soon , in other words , looks low ;

  19. 然而,在识字率高的社会,几乎任何一种工作都要求会读、会写。

    Yet , in highly literate societies , being able to read and write is crucial in almost every job .

  20. 吉尔吉斯斯坦有较高的识字率(1994年是97%),也有比较强的全民教育的传统。

    Kyrgyzstan has a high literacy rate ( 97 % in1994 ), and a strong tradition of educating all citizens .

  21. 南苏丹民众的识字率不到北方的一半,婴儿与产妇死亡率都非常高。

    The literacy rate is less than half that of the north , and infant and maternal mortality rates are high .

  22. 还有查尔斯·肯尼提到世界范围的识字率在过去的130年里从25%上升到了80%。

    And Charles Kenny that global literacy has gone from 25 percent to over 80 percent in the last 130 years .

  23. 他说,在降低婴儿死亡率,提高识字率和竞争力方面都会获得类似的效果。

    There are , he says , similar results in terms of reductions of infant mortality , improved literacy and improved competitiveness .

  24. 他们往往有更多的机会利用社会和卫生服务,他们的识字率更高,期望寿命更长。

    They tend to have greater access to social and health services , literacy rates are higher , and life expectancy is longer .

  25. 我出生于战后恢复期的韩国,那时的韩国道路失修,识字率很低。

    I was born in South Korea when it was still recovering from war , with unpaved roads and low levels of literacy .

  26. 比哈尔邦是印度最贫困的省邦之一,识字率仅为64%,属于全国最低水平。

    Bihar is one of India 's poorest states with a 64 % literacy rate , one of the lowest in the country .

  27. 整个印度的识字率为74%,提高国民文化水平是该国的重要课题之一。

    India 's literacy rate is 74 % . To increase the national education level becomes one of the important subjects for the country .

  28. 这个教育体系能达到97%的识字率,男女平均学年为11年。

    The educational system has achieved 97 % literacy , and the mean amount of schooling for both men and women is 11 years .

  29. 在莱索托和阿联酋等12个国家,女性识字率实际上还高于男性。

    In 12 countries , including Lesotho and the United Arab Emirates , the literacy rate for women is actually higher than that for men .

  30. 凭借可追溯到19世纪末的教育改革,日本为本国高科技行业奠定了基础&那些改革帮助提高了入学率和识字率。

    Japan laid the foundations of its high-tech industry with education reforms dating back to the late19th century-which helped boost school attendance and literacy rates .