
jūn yònɡ jī chǎnɡ
  • military airport
  1. SBS改性沥青在某军用机场跑道改造工程中的应用

    Application of SBS Modified Asphalt to Military Airport Runway Rebuilding Engineering

  2. 军用机场沥青混凝土道面交通量换算

    Conversion of Traffic Volumes on Asphalt Concrete Pavement for Military Airport

  3. 说明了EPS作为理想的应急电源在军用机场领域的应用;

    The EPS is used in airbase as an ideal supply .

  4. EPS智能应急电源在军用机场中的应用飞机用浮标应急电源的改进

    Application of EPS in Airbase Improvement of the emergency power source of aircraft buoy

  5. 军用机场飞机中断起飞决断速度计算方法

    Decision Velocity Calculation Method of Aircraft Abort Take-off in Military Airfield

  6. 军用机场道面类型模糊综合评判方法研究

    The Research of Military Airfield Pavement with Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation

  7. 某军用机场周围飞机噪声监测及评价

    The Monitoring and Evaluation on the Noise Pollution Around a Military Airport

  8. 她还花时间观察附近一个军用机场的飞机。

    She also spent time watching planes at a nearby military airfield .

  9. 对民用机场和军用机场水泥混凝土道面设计规范的分析

    Analysis about Cement Concrete Pavements Design Specifications of Civil and Military Airports

  10. 基于结构特征的军用机场识别与理解

    Recognition and Understanding of Airfield Based on the Structure Feature

  11. 军用机场水泥混凝土道面结构参数变异性

    Variability Analysis of Military Airfield Concrete Pavement Structure Parameters

  12. 新江湾城是原江湾军用机场搬迁后的土地再开发区域。

    New Jiangwan is a redevelopment area after the moving of a military airport .

  13. 军用机场中间联络道位置的计算分析

    Dynamics of Monocable Circulating Ropeways The Calculating Analysis of the Mid-Taxiway Location in Military Airfield

  14. 军用机场跑道长度设计方法

    Design Method of Military Airfield Runway Length

  15. 提出了军用机场结构特征的提取、识别与理解方法。

    A method of the structure feature extraction , recognition and understanding for airfield is proposed .

  16. 美国驻利比亚的外交人员在的黎波里附近一个军用机场安全登上了一架租赁包机后离开了利比亚。

    S.diplomats were safely aboard a chartered airliner that left a military airfield near Tripoli Friday morning .

  17. 据报道,一架接载希克斯的小型飞机当天在阿得雷德外围一个军用机场降落。

    His plane touched down for a refuelling stop at the military section of Tahiti 's airport early this morning .

  18. 一战末期,作出了将这两个军用机场合并的决定。

    At the end of the first world war , the decision was taken to combine the two military airfields .

  19. 军用机场跑道长度计算机辅助设计&考虑飞机在起飞滑跑过程中一发失效情况

    Computer-aided Design of Runway Length of Military Airfield & In the case of an engine failure during aircraft taking-off run

  20. 在此两天前,两人抵达柏林军用机场时,身穿的是同样的宝蓝色裙装。

    Two days earlier , Kate and Charlotte wore identical shades of royal blue as they arrived at Berlin military airport .

  21. 合同工(其中大多数人习惯于在非洲工作)利用利比里亚的军用机场出入境。

    Contractors , most of them used to working in Africa , were flown in and out using Liberia 's military airport .

  22. 战斗已经扩大到格鲁吉亚另一个要求独立的地区阿布哈兹。格鲁吉亚官员说,俄罗斯战机轰炸了格鲁吉亚首都郊外的一处军用机场。

    The fighting spread to Abkhazia , Georgia 's other breakaway region , and Georgian officials said Russian planes bombed a military airfield outside the Georgian capital .

  23. (备注:本文所涉及的机场均为民用机场,对军用机场不涉及。民用航空简称民航,民航机场为民航总局直属机场的简称)

    ( Annotations : the airports the paper refers to are civil airports , not military airports . Civil airport is short for the airport managed by CAAC . )

  24. 美国国务院官员在获得确实信息,知道余下的美国外交人员星期五早上已经安全离开利比亚之后宣布了关闭使馆的消息。美国驻利比亚的外交人员在的黎波里附近一个军用机场安全登上了一架租赁包机后离开了利比亚。

    Officials here announced the embassy closure shortly after receiving confirmation that remaining U.S. diplomats were safely aboard a chartered airliner that left a military airfield near Tripoli Friday morning .

  25. 星期五,覆盖韩国国旗的这些韩国军人遗骨盒抵达首尔的一个军用机场。韩国总统李明博和其他高层官员在机场参加了迎接仪式。

    The flag-draped boxes containing the remains arrived Friday at a military airport south of Seoul , where South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and other top officials gathered for an honor guard ceremony .

  26. 在维斯普雷姆的机场是仅有的铺设水泥跑道的军用机场,因此可以作为将要在南斯拉夫发起空中突击的伞兵使用。

    The airfield at Veszpr é m was the only military air base with a cement runway , so it was used by the paratroopers that day for the airborne assault on Yugoslavia .

  27. 然后,利用跑道边缘的平行直线特征和跑道边缘与可能机场区域的重叠关系识别出军用机场。

    Then , the recognition is achieved based on geometry characteristics of the airport , such as the paralleled edges of runway , the superposing location between the edges of runway and the airport region .

  28. 校本评核的命令说,他们周一在利马索尔军用机场并没有被用来对利比亚发动攻势罢工,也不是接待来自任何其他国家的运作“空中资产”。

    SBA command said on Monday their military airport in Limassol was not being used to launch offensive strikes on Libya , nor was it hosting " air assets " from any other nation for the operation .

  29. 俄罗斯国家电视台报导说,莫斯科时间上周六将近11点时,卡钦斯基等人乘坐的图-154喷气机在距跑道约一公里的地方坠毁,当时这架飞机试图在浓雾弥漫的斯摩棱斯克Severnyi军用机场第二次降落。

    Russian state television reported that the Tupolev-154 jet crashed about a kilometer short of the runway on its second attempt to land in heavy fog at the Smolensk-Severnyi military airport , shortly before 11 a.m. Moscow time .

  30. 然后根据机场主、辅跑道的平行直线特征,与它们之间相连的道路一起构成日字、目字等结构特征,识别出军用机场;

    The airfield is recognized according to the parallel lines structure features of main and additional runways and structure feature of Chinese ri ( sun ), mu ( eye ) words consisting of the runways and the paths connecting with them .