
  • 网络Securities Business Department;stock exchange;Sales Department;security exchange
  1. 但是由于多数证券营业部自身没有鲜明的品牌特色,且大多数都停留在低层次的价格竞争上,导致各个证券营业部的收入日益下降。

    But because there is not a distinct brand characteristic in most stock exchange department , and the great majority all stay in the price competition of a low level , the income of each stock exchange department drops day by day .

  2. 证券营业部业务数据统计和分析系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Stock Exchange 's Operation Data Statistic and Analysis System

  3. 提出W证券营业部发展目标、发展对策以及相应的保障条件。

    W securities business to the Department of Development Goals , the development of security countermeasures , as well as the corresponding conditions .

  4. LH-SY证券营业部顾客服务系统排队模型研究

    Application of customer queueing model in LH-SY security company

  5. 证券营业部网络系统的设计及实现

    The design and generation of a securities sales department network system

  6. 稍事休息,下午一起去证券营业部。

    Then they went to the securities firm after a short rest .

  7. 证券营业部网络系统的建设与研究

    Construction and study on the computer network system for stock business departement

  8. 证券营业部证券交易网络的探索与研究

    Sales of Securities with the Securities and Exchange Exploration and Research Network

  9. 银河证券营业部空调系统的测试与分析

    Air conditioning system 's testing and analysis in Yinhe securities sales department

  10. 银证转帐业务是目前银行和证券营业部普遍采用的一项金融服务手段。

    The transferring system between Bank and stockjobber is an important financial means .

  11. 文章在结论中总结了全文并阐述了西部证券营业部选址的方法及步骤。

    The thesis writer summarizes western securities procedures of location selection in conclusion .

  12. 集中模式下证券营业部的网络安全

    Network Security of Sales Department on Concentrated Modes

  13. 证券营业部的网络安全管理

    Network Safety Management for Brokerage Branch Office

  14. 西部证券营业部选址问题的研究

    The Research of Western Securities Brokerage Offices

  15. 一些证券营业部每天早晨都有人排着长队等着开户。

    Some brokerages had long queues of people waiting every morning to open new accounts .

  16. 我国证券营业部托管法律依据不健全,法律关系不明确。

    In China , there lacks a sound legal basis for securities depository with brokerage branches .

  17. 证券营业部自动化管理系统

    Automation system of stock business department

  18. 一年前,证券营业部大厅还是空荡荡的,如今则挤满了老老少少的准投机者。

    Brokerage offices that were almost empty a year ago are now packed with young and old would-be speculators .

  19. 证券营业部作为代理证券交易的基本单位,对证券市场的发展起到了非常巨大的作用。

    As a basic unit of agency stock business , stock exchange plays an important function to the development of stock market .

  20. 从负荷计算、空调风系统、空调水系统、冷热源等方面介绍了太原银河证券营业部的设计。

    From load calculation , air system , water system and other aspects the design of Taiyuan Yinhe securities sales department is introduced .

  21. 外部网络系统是证券营业部网络以外的、与证券营业部相联的各种网络系统。

    The outward network system refers to the various network systems which are outside but connected to the network of the operation departments .

  22. 首先,以实验为基础建立了证券营业部的建筑模型及空调动态冷负荷分析模型;

    First , build the building model and air conditioning dynamic cooling load analysis model of the stock exchange in the basis of the experiment .

  23. 吉林省内证券营业部存在着网点分布不均匀、结构近似、服务同质、内部管理制度不健全等问题。

    There are some problem in Jilin Province security sales department , for example , asymmetry sale net , similar structure , homogeneity service , distemperedness inner management system .

  24. 我国证券营业部伴随着证券市场的发展而诞生,经历了十几年的发展历程,近几年逐步融入了市场经济的发展轨道上。

    With the development of securities market , the securities company of China was born and gradually integrated into the track of market economy after more than ten years experience .

  25. 证券营业部作为中国证券市场经纪业务的主要经营模式需要根据不断变化的宏观经济环境不断调整自己的经营战略、投资策略以应对日益激烈的竞争。

    Stock brokerage office , a key brokerage business model of China 's stock market , is necessary to constantly adjust its operation strategy , investment tactics to keep abreast increasing acute competition .

  26. 本文以证券营业部网络改造为例,着重阐述了如何在局域网中通过增加设备、划分不同网段,从而使网络具有冗余性和容错性。

    Presented by an example of a network updating in a security broker , the paper focuses on how to improve redundancy and tolerance in a LAN through appending equipment and making different network segments .

  27. 如何在竞争中赢得未来,培育提升适合自身特点的核心竞争力,日益成为证券营业部关注的重点。

    How to fight for a better future in the competition , and how to cultivate and enhance the core competency of own characteristics , have now become a key concern of the securities trading departments .

  28. 证券营业部是资本市场中的中介组织,其功能是联系投资者和筹资者,经营方式是向客户提供服务。

    Contacting investor and fund-raiser , the securities broker company is one of the most important intermediary in the capital market . The securities broker company provides services to the customer as its major function of operations .

  29. 证券营业部作为证券公司经纪业务最基层的机构,其经营模式及提供的产品在面临着机遇与发展的同时,也面临着更多的新挑战。

    Securities business department as the most basic institutions of the securities brokerage business , its business model and products in the face of opportunities and development at the same time , is also facing more new challenges .

  30. 在基金发行过程中,证券营业部不得无理扣押投资者的申购委托单,不得透支申购,不得挪用客户保证金,不得有舞弊行为。

    During the issuance of the funds , the securities operating department shall not withhold the subscription commission orders of the investors unreasonably , nor make overdraft subscriptions , nor embezzle the deposits of clients , nor carry out acts of embezzlements .