
On Information System of Securities Trading and Patterns of Trading Operation
Analysis on the Mechanism of Security Transaction Information Disclosure Based on Anti-manipulation
Study on Safety of Communication System for Stock Exchange
Legal Protection of Securities Trading Information from the Perspective of " Yingfu Data " Dispute
Securities trading information disseminated by all media must be factual and objective and not misleading .
Personnel who , because of their offices in the company they serve , can have access to information relevant to the company 's securities trading ;
At the very beginning , characteristics of securities trading information system are represented , which briefly introduce the main patterns of the information system of the securities company .
The protection of information right directly impacts the orderly operation of the stock market , concerns the confidence of the investors to the market , concerns the healthy development of the stock market .
Legal Protection of Exchanges ' Right on Trading Information
On Dispute of the Crime of Concocting and Disseminating Hypocritical Information of Exchange of Securities
Article 67 . Security exchange personnel with inside information are not allowed to engage in securities trading activities using inside information .
Article 70 . Personnel with inside information about a company 's securities trading , or other personnel having illegitimate access to inside information , shall not buy or sell the company 's securities , leak the information , or suggest that other people buy or sell the securities .
So , safety of Internet security trading system becomes the issue that people pay attention to increasingly all the more .
But the existing laws and regulations of our country fail to provide adequate protection for the rights of the securities trading information .
However , in recent years the violation of due diligence and colluding with issuers by some intermediate agencies give rise to flaws in issuing of securities and leakage of transaction information , which cause great losses for investors .
An explicit solution is shown to the optimization problem of an investor who wants to maximize the expected total utility from consumption with partial information .
The second section focus on the security of the internet securities transaction , mainly from the angle of the internet securities information and the electronic signature , and argues that we should take the foreign experience as reference so as to perfect our legislation .
The securities brokers ' system is a new service system through which the securities brokers can directly provide high-quality , diversified and professional services , such as stock exchange , securities ' information , analysis and management , by securities professional personnel .