
lùn wén
  • paper;thesis;dissertation;article;treatise;discourse;commentary
论文 [lùn wén]
  • [thesis;treatise;dissertation;article;commentary] 讨论或研究某种问题的文章

  • 学术论文

论文[lùn wén]
  1. 你选了论文的暂定题目吗?

    Have you decided on a working title for your thesis yet ?

  2. 他的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。

    There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis .

  3. 我正在把我的笔记整理成一篇论文。

    I 'm working my notes up into a dissertation .

  4. 应该注意的是迟交的论文将不予接受。

    It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted .

  5. 你要在大会上宣读论文吗?

    Are you presenting a paper at the conference ?

  6. 选择一个你可以真正悉心钻研的论文题目。

    Choose an essay topic that you can really get your teeth into .

  7. 你的论文没有论证实质问题。

    Your essay does not address the real issues .

  8. 她对自己的论文作了几处小的修改。

    She made several minor amendments to her essay .

  9. 你的成绩将根据四篇论文和期末考试决定。

    Your grade will be based on four papers and a final exam .

  10. 你的论文按时完成了吗?

    Did you get your article done in time ?

  11. 她应邀发表一篇论文,报告她的研究结果。

    She was invited to give a paper on the results of her research .

  12. 她的论文得了最高分。

    She got top marks for her essay .

  13. 我的论文现在差不多写完了。

    My essay is practically finished now .

  14. 我整个晚上都在批改论文。

    I spent all evening correcting essays .

  15. 我呈交论文之前有点时间,很快地校订了一遍。

    I had time to do a quick edit of my essay before handing it in .

  16. 我注意到大部分学者暑期都在写论文。

    I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer

  17. 论文对欧洲的动向亦表现出浓厚的兴趣。

    The papers also show a lively interest in European developments .

  18. 今年晚些时候,她将给他们指定研究论文。

    Later in the year , she 'll assign them research papers

  19. 这篇修正主义的论文更加偏离了马克思主义的主张。

    This revisionist thesis departs even further from Marxist assertions .

  20. 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。

    He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots .

  21. 他目前正在写一篇关于索马里内战的论文。

    He is currently writing a dissertation on the Somali civil war .

  22. 改革的想法源于1985年的一篇论文。

    The inspiration behind the reforms was a paper written in 1985 .

  23. 我本该把论文的初稿交上去了。

    I 'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation

  24. 他的论文几乎可以经受住最专业的审查。

    His papers were proof against all but the most expert of scrutinies .

  25. 他刚刚在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇分析火灾的论文。

    He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires .

  26. 为获得文凭和证书所修的课程通常不需要提交论文。

    Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation .

  27. 他把论文装进一个空白信封里。

    He placed the paper in a plain envelope

  28. 学生们遵照这一评语修改了他们的论文,并交上去进行最后的评审。

    Following this critique , students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation

  29. 每个学生都有导师指导他们写论文。

    Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation .

  30. 许多科学论文,即便不是大多数,都是以口头形式在科学会议上发表的。

    Many , if not most , scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings