
  • 网络Computer cable;DJYPVP
  1. 将投影机接至:-数据信号源,利用计算机电缆(VGA)(1)

    Connect the projector to : - the Data source with the Computer Cable ( VGA )( 1 )

  2. 袁梦在龙华的一家计算机电缆厂上班,有三天假。龙华是深圳市郊的一个工业区。

    Meng had three days off from the computer cable factory where she had been working in Longhua , an industrial suburb .

  3. 它适用于数设计算机电缆、通信电缆、热电偶电缆及其它高灵敏系统的控制电缆等。

    It is applicable for laying computer cables , communication cables , thermocouple cables and control cables of highly-sensitive systems .

  4. 介绍了计算机电缆敷设软件在电缆敷设设计中的应用,通过计算机实现了最佳电缆路径自动搜索和施工文件输出,改变了长期以来电缆敷设设计手工作业方式,减轻了工作量,提高了工作效率。

    This paper introduces the application of cable laying software in the cable laying design . The software realizes optimized cable route finding and construction file output , changes the manual mode of cable laying design , decreases the workload and improves the efficiency .

  5. 计算机通过电缆连接到集线器。

    The computers are connected to the hub with cables .

  6. 微型计算机在电缆敷设设计中的应用

    Application of Microcomputer in Design of Cable Layout

  7. 手机连接到您的计算机用电缆和遵循指示。

    Connect your phone to your computer with a cable and follow the instructions .

  8. 用电子计算机进行电缆布线设计

    The Computer-aided Electrical Cable Laying Design

  9. 计算机视频屏蔽电缆的电磁泄漏

    Electromagnetic Leakage from Shielded Video Cable s in Computer Systems

  10. 计算机局域网对称电缆的应用和要求

    The application and test requirements of symmetrical cables in LAN

  11. 防水型计算机网络测控电缆的设计与研制

    Design and Manufacture of Water-Proof Control Cables for Computer Networks

  12. 一种用来把各种各样的输入输出设备连接到计算机上的电缆。

    A cable used to connect the various input / output devices to the computer .

  13. 电子计算机用屏蔽电缆,选用介电常数小的高压聚乙烯作绝缘。

    Computer to use shielded cable , use a small dielectric constant , high-pressure polyethylene for insulation .

  14. 因为真正的计算机藏在电缆的另一端,而我从未见过

    cause it 's at the other end of wire , I had never really seen the actual computer itself .

  15. 通过对过去沿用的分散式布线系统的分析,说明结构化综合布线系统产生的根源在于:大量的电话和计算机网络系统电缆需要可靠并有序终结及灵活管理,并且独立于某一个具体的网络应用。

    Based on comparison with traditional cable distribution system this paper gives an introduction to the invention of the advanced polytechnic cable distribution system originated from the demand of the many telephone system and computer network system for reliable and flexible cable system .

  16. 多相固态转子磁阻电机计算机扁平多芯电缆

    Polyphase solid rotor reluctance machine flat multi-core cable for computer

  17. 计算机扁平多芯电缆

    Flat multi-core cable for computer

  18. 该系统主要由计算机、传感器、电缆、高压油管线和电磁溢流阀等组成,既具有监测功能,又具有控制功能,而且取得了中国船级社的防爆合格证书。

    The system is mainly comprised of a computer , sensors , cable , high pressure oil lines and electromagnetic overflow valve , has both the functions of measuring and control , and is awarded the explosionproof qualification certificate by China Classification Society .