
  • 网络Counting unit;digit
  1. 方法对27例急性白血病化疗后骨髓涂片首次完全缓解(CR)时的骨髓切片进行同步观察,计数单位面积内原始细胞簇及原始细胞总数。

    Methods We studied 27 cases of AL by observing their bone marrow ( BM ) biopsy sections and simultaneously , their BM smears from which the first complete remission ( CR ) were determined after chemotherapy .

  2. 浸银染色观察神经元纤维缠结并计数单位面积中神经元和神经元纤维缠结的数目;

    Observed the neurofibrillary tangles by silver stain and count the number of neuron and neurofibrillary tangles .

  3. 而篇、卷、册作为这三个不同阶段的书籍计数单位,则从一个侧面透示了其演进的轨迹,体现了各自的特点。

    Being as the enumerative units of book in three different stages , bamboo script , roll and volume reveal their track of evolution from one side and incarnate their own features .

  4. 具备计数、单位转换、百分比等功能。

    Having zhe functions of counting unti conversion and percentage calculation etc.

  5. 用计数率为单位表示测量结果具有专属性。

    A measurement reported in terms of count rate is peculiar .

  6. 橘色方块的高度表示单位时间内活动的计数,此单位时间取决于时间列的缩放状态。

    The height of the orange block is the counts of activities in a fixed timespan , which depends on the scale of the timeline .

  7. 单位一是量钢一的量(无量纲量)的SI单位,也是计数量的SI单位,它在某些方面与SI中的其他单位具有不同之处。

    The unit one is SI unit of quantities of dimension one ( dimensionless quantities ), and it is also SI unit of numerical values . The unit one differs greatly from other units in SI in some respects .