
  • 网络visual identity;VIS;Visual identity system;VI-Visual Identity
  1. 从东莞图书馆Ⅵ设计看城市图书馆视觉识别系统的建立

    City Library VIS Construction Scheme Based on the ⅵ Design of Dongguan Library

  2. 对于理念识别系统(MI)、行为识别系统(BI)、视觉识别系统(VI),给出了比较具体的设计方案。解决了困扰公司的管理问题,为公司的发展做出了较大的贡献。

    For Mind Identity System , Behavior Identity System and Visual Identity System , detailed design is provided .

  3. 导入VI视觉识别系统

    Introduction of VI Vision Identify System

  4. 微型UAV视觉识别系统的研究

    The Vision Recognition System for Mini UAV

  5. 论视觉识别系统VIS设计的同一性和差异性原则

    The diversity and consistency principles for design of corporate visual identity system

  6. 广告传媒企业VIS视觉识别系统

    Vision Identifying System for Enterprises of Mediums

  7. VI即(VisualIdentity),通译为视觉识别系统,是CIS系统最具传播力和感染力的部分。

    VI , VI that ( Visual Identity ), translated through visual recognition system , the CIS system is the most spread and appeal of the part .

  8. VI系统即企业视觉识别系统,是企业面向广大消费者展示其品牌形象的有效途径。

    VI system is the corporate visual identity system which is an effective way for enterprises to display their brand image to consumers .

  9. 保卫部门实施现代CI战略,必须树立积极向上的保卫部门精神理念,建立良好的行为识别系统,创立独特的视觉识别系统,建立迅捷有效的信息发散回馈机制。

    In order to implement modern CI strategy , positive ideals , unique visual recognition system , effective and rapid response mechanism should be established .

  10. 旅游景区导入视觉识别系统(VIS)的相关研究&以桂林穿山公园导入VIS构想为例

    Studies on Applied VIS for the Tourism Scenic Spots & Taking Guilin Chuanshan Park as an Example

  11. 它通过视觉识别系统对不同元件进行视觉识别,能高速高精度贴装微小片状元件、精细IC元件或异形元件。

    It can identify different components through visual identifying system , and mount microminiaturize flat chip with high speed and high precision , and also including subtle IC and abnormity components .

  12. VI设计通译为视觉识别系统,是CIS系统中最具转播力和震撼力的部分。

    VI design is generally translated as visual identification system , which is the most transmission power and the major shocking part of the CIS system .

  13. Ⅵ(VisualIdentity)视觉识别系统是企业识别系统(CIS)三要素其中之一,是企业信息传播的一项系统工程,主要通过视觉传达的方式得以外化。

    Visual Identity System is one of the three elements of the Corporate Identity System ( CIS ), and it is a systematic project for corporate information dissemination that conveys information by visual transmission .

  14. CIS是一种组织识别系统,它由理念识别系统、行为识别系统和视觉识别系统组成。

    CIS , a corporate identity system , is made up of the mind identity system , the behavior identity system and the visual identity system .

  15. 视觉识别系统(V1)产生于西方发达国家,在中国的发展也有十几年的历程。

    Visual Identity System (ⅵ) that appeared in the western countries , has developed more than ten years In China .

  16. 处于市场的竞争中,你最有利的武器就是你的VI视觉识别系统。为你创作一套让人过目不忘的VI系统,无疑能让你的产品在领域里更受欢迎。

    When competing with other businesses in the marketplace , your strongest weapon is your visual identity . A set of VI undoubtedly can help you to be more popular .

  17. 将企业识别系统(CI)理论中的视觉识别系统(Ⅵ)概念加以发展提炼,将其部分内涵延伸移植到水泥工厂的建筑设计过程当中。

    Based on the philosophy of Visual Identity ( VI ) system from Corporate Identity ( CI ) theory , the author transplanted partial intentions of VI to architectural design in cement plant .

  18. IDUG揭秘新的视觉识别系统和新会议焦点

    IDUG Unveils New Look and New Conference Focus

  19. 它能够集中体现企业的文化及其品牌核心价值观,它主要包括企业理念识别系统M工、企业行为识别系统BI和企业视觉识别系统VI。

    It can embody a concentrated reflection of enterprise culture and its core brand values , and it mainly includes the concept of enterprise recognition system MI , enterprise behavior identity system and visual identification system VI and BI .

  20. 网络界面视觉识别系统设计(WVIS)理论研究报告

    The Research of Web Visual Indentity System Design in Theory

  21. 划片机视觉识别系统设计原理分析

    The Analysis of Design Principles for the Dicing Saw 's Vision Recognition System

  22. 视觉识别系统在机械工业企业品牌战略中的作用

    The function of visual identify system on the brand strategy in mechanical industry

  23. 具有中心窝透镜组的视觉识别系统研究

    Study on Visual Recognition System with Fovea Lens

  24. 视觉识别系统是城市最外在、最直观的部分。

    Visual Identity is the most directly perceived part of the City Identity System .

  25. 一个金字塔式模型驱动的视觉识别系统

    A Pyramid Model-Driven Computer Vision Recognition System

  26. 城市旅游支撑体系是城市的环境要素,是城市旅游形象视觉识别系统中的一部分。

    City tourism supporting system is the premise condition of tourism activities in the city .

  27. 品牌视觉识别系统的建构

    The Construction of Brand Visual Identification System

  28. 城市景观作为视觉识别系统中的组成部分,对城市旅游形象的塑造和提升具有重要作用。

    Urban landscape , as a key part of VI , is indispensable to creating CTI .

  29. 在视觉识别系统中,文字和图形是两个重要的语言形式。

    In the visual identity system , text and graphics are two important forms of language .

  30. 本论文以机器人视觉识别系统为出发点,进行神经网络在机器人上的研究。

    On the base of robot vision recognition system , the thesis discusses neural network in robot research .