
  1. “我有电脑,也能视频通话,可以在上面和家人聊天,”她解释道。

    " I have the computer and FaceTime , which I talk with my family on , " she explains .

  2. 结果证明,本论文对TD-SCDMA网络视频通话质量评估工作具有相当大的实用性。

    The test results show that TD-SCDMA network video call quality assessment work is practical .

  3. 基于SymbianOS的多语言视频通话系统

    Multi-Language Video Communication System Based on Symbian OS

  4. 智能手机的普及使用和3G时代的到来,使得流媒体技术和视频通话等成为可能。

    With the coming of 3G era and the increasing use of smartphones , streaming media technology and video calling are becoming possible .

  5. 一旦连上,就可以显示邮件、谷歌即时讯息、短信,拍照,录像,打电话或视频通话,还有GPS定位。

    When connected , Glass can display e-mail , Google Now information , text messages , take photos , record videos , place phone or video calls , and GPS navigation .

  6. 本文应用TCP/IP协议及套接字技术,运用DirectShow方法,利用VC++知识,在IPv6的网络环境中实现了视频通话。

    This paper implements video talk based on TCP / IP protocol , sockets based technique , DirectShow and VC + + .

  7. (再次低语道)还有,你知道,你推出的新款iPhone有前置摄像头以及视频通话功能,可以送我一部吗?

    ( murmuring again ) And , you know your new iPhone with the front camera and video chat , could you send me one of those ?

  8. 最后,研究开发了TD视频通话质量评估系统,并在现网中部署实施,经过测试,验证了方案的可行性,并已在广东移动TD-SCDMA网络评估中得到应用。

    Finally , this research developed a TD-SCDMA video call quality evaluation system , and putting to use in Guangdong TD-SCDMA Mobile network .

  9. 而今天,我能通过Gmail的账户与远在布达佩斯和东京的朋友进行视频通话&而且完全免费。

    Today , I video chat through my Gmail account with friends in Budapest or Tokyo & for free .

  10. 在手机领域,苹果在iPhone中内嵌了视频通话功能,使其Facetime成为了iPhone用户的默认应用。

    On the mobile front , apple built video calling right into the iPhone , making their FaceTime product the default offering for iPhone users .

  11. 电话会议、Skype在线视频通话以及全球视频会议等技术不断涌现,极大地改变了人们举行会议的方式。

    What with teleconferencing , Skype , and global conference calls , technology has wrought a sea change in the way people hold meetings .

  12. 手机电视、视频通话、手机音乐下载、手机游戏、手机IM、移动搜索、移动支付等移动数据业务开始带给用户新的体验。

    Many mobile data services bring us a new experience , including mobile TV , video calls , mobile music downloads , mobile games , mobile IM , mobile search , mobile payment .

  13. Skype可以让用户在互联网上进行语音和视频通话,这次收购将使微软能够接触到Skype的1.7亿用户。

    Owning Skype , which allows users to make voice and video calls over the Internet , will give Microsoft access to its170 million monthly users .

  14. 从谷歌(GoogleInc.)到小型初创企业,很多公司都在给浏览器配备种种新的功能,比如可以在浏览器内实现笔记、文件的记录与同步,并实现语音识别、视频通话和短信功能。

    Companies from Google Inc. GOOG - 0.31 % to small startups are introducing new features , such as taking and syncing notes and files within the browser , voice-recognition , video calls and messaging .

  15. 数据传输速度也十分不理想;大多数iPhone用户都知道,在美国电话电报公司的网络环境下,高质量视频通话几乎是不可能的事,而本地无线网络的表现却相当优秀。

    Data speeds have been sluggish ; most iPhone users know that high quality video is not something they can expect when using the AT & T mobile network , as opposed to a local wireless .

  16. PPPoE的接口驱动为PPPoE协议的实现提供了灵活接口规范,从而使得IP可视电话可以广泛应用在ADSL接入方式中,实现高速宽带网中的面对面的音视频通话。

    PPPoE driver gives a canonical interface to the PPPoE protocol when it is designed . So we can use IP video telephone in ADSL to communicate with voice and video .

  17. 手机还拥有一项Mayday服务,能够提供技术支持,让用户与客服人员进行视频通话。

    The phone also includes Mayday , a tech support feature that connects users via video stream to support staff .

  18. 根据官方描述,Anytime在功能上与目前市面上的绝大多数聊天软件相同,如即时消息,语音及视频通话,还可以分享照片,@某人以及在线游戏。

    In its description , Anytime would do much of what we expect - such as messaging , calls and video calls - along with photo sharing , @ mentions and a few games thrown in as well .

  19. Viber拥有与其他应用程序相同的很多文本信息发送选项,但更侧重于视频通话功能。

    Viber has many of the same text options as the others , but focuses on audio calling .

  20. 人物居中不仅在FaceTime通话中适用,也能让其他主流app中的视频通话同样生动自然,比如Zoom、BlueJeans和Webex。

    Not only does Center Stage work in FaceTime , it makes video calls more natural in other popular apps , like Zoom , BlueJeans , and Webex .

  21. 当时这些高管们并未料到,延期进行IPO反而对Skype有利:到2011年初,Skype已经在发展新的赢利方式,例如把Skype视频通话接通前的呼叫时间当成广告位,卖给广告商们。

    Little did the executives know the delay would work in their favor : by early 2011 , Skype was developing new ways to make money , including selling advertisers airtime during Skype video calls .

  22. 和Skype相同,如果双方用户都登录了Viber,你就能通过Wi-Fi或者其他数据连接方式进行视频通话了。

    Like Skype , if both users are on Viber , you can make audio calls over Wi-Fi or a data connection . Sound quality was good , though there was an echo on some calls .

  23. 主要问题是连接不稳定,不同系统之间互不兼容。比如说,如果你使用的是LogitechRevue摄像头,就无法与使用Kinect的人视频通话。

    The main problem is flaky connectivity and there is no inter-operability between different systems – you cannot videocall someone with a Kinect from your Logitech Revue camera , for example .

  24. 到2010年秋天,也就是德班和安德里森收购Skype一年之后,Skype的用户人数已经从一年前的4亿增长到了6亿,而且其视频通话功能的使用率也在上升。

    By the fall of 2010 , just a year after the buyout , Skype was surging : users had climbed to 600 million from about 400 million a year earlier & and it saw rising usage of its video calling services .

  25. 新发现的苹果手机FaceTime软件(苹果手机内置的一款视频通话软件)漏洞使苹果用户可以窃听他们所呼叫之人,甚至在他们没有接电话的情况下,通过他们手机的前置摄像头看到他们。

    A newly discovered bug in Apple 's FaceTime software lets Apple users listen in on the people they are calling , and even see through their front-facing camera , without them picking-up the call .

  26. 对于美国、英国、日本、德国和法国的首波买家而言,iPhone4最大的吸引力在于该设备能够进行视频通话,尽管目前只限于和其它iPhone4所有者通过WiFi网络进行交流。

    The top draw for iPhone 4 's first wave of buyers in the US , UK , Japan , Germany and France was the ability to make video calls on the device , though that is for now limited to communications with other iPhone 4 owners via WiFi networks .

  27. 联系设计与心理学相结合的视频通话的交互性设计研究

    The Interactivity of Design of Video Communication Combining Design and Psychology

  28. 人物居中让视频通话更具交互性,它会自动探测镜头前的人,

    Center Stage makes video calls more engaging by automatically detecting people

  29. 现在,视频通话的分辨率也会更高。

    And now there 's even a higher resolution on our face-to-face feature .

  30. 主动闲置死亡后会很快接受和拒绝入境视频通话。

    Active Idle going dead after quickly accepting and rejecting an incoming video call .