
  • Scrambled Egg with Tomato;stir-fried eggs with tomato
  1. 西红柿炒鸡蛋先洗几个西红柿,把西红柿切开放在一边,再把鸡蛋打到碗里。

    First , clean several tomatoes , cut them apart and set aside , then breaking eggs into a bowl .

  2. 第二天中午她给他买了饭,有一个鸡腿,好像还有西红柿炒鸡蛋。

    Next morning , she bought something for his lunch , including a chicken leg , and tomatoes with eggs , maybe .

  3. 他得意地向记者介绍自己的拿手菜&西红柿炒鸡蛋、豆芽炒鸡蛋、青菜炒香菇等。

    He proudly told reporters his signature dish-fried eggs , tomatoes , bean sprouts , fried eggs , fried mushrooms and other vegetables .