
  • 网络soft spot;Soft Point;SOFTENING POINT
  1. 然而,快乐是一种无法预料的东西,在该来的时候也许偏偏不会出现。这样一来就就有软点产生,有时,甚至会产生无法预料的严重畸变。

    But happiness is an unpredictable creature that may not show up when it should . This produces soft spots , and in some cases , severe unpredicted distor ? tion .

  2. 这样一来就就有软点产生,有时,甚至会产生无法预料的严重畸变。如果取样频率小于此数,那么输出频率就要产生严重畸变,通常假频指的就是这种情况。

    This produces soft spots , and in some cases , severe unpredicted distor ? tion . If the sampling frequency is less than this , we can expect a serious distortion of output frequency which is generally referred to as aliasing .

  3. 淬火不均部件上将出现软点,增加翘曲可能性。

    Uneven hardening , with the formation of soft spots , increases warpage .

  4. 避免任何的气味,有任何不愉快,或有明显迹象变黄、软点。

    Avoid any whose odour , is in any way unpleasant , or that have soft spots and obvious sign of discolouration .

  5. 这些大颗粒的存在,在膜层中形成了硬度软点,而且遮挡了而后过来的原子的沉积,导致膜层的硬度和膜基结合力下降,从而造成膜层的使用性能的降低。

    These MPs not only formed the soft points of the hardness in the coatings , but also prevent the following atoms from deposition , resulting in decreased hardness and adhesion strength .

  6. 软点:有着淡色晕光或边缘的半色调点子。有别于十分清晰,并无淡边的硬点。薄雾的几个地方都有清晰的边缘,因此不可能是由于反光或者镜头眩光造成的。

    Soft dot : Half-tone dot with soft halation or fringe around it , as oppsed to a hard dot which is very sharp and without fringe . The mist has defined edges in several areas , which eliminates the possibility of a lens flare or light refraction .

  7. 硬组织点平均误差2.28mm,软组织点平均误差0.77mm。

    The mean error of hard tissue landmarks identification was 2.28 mm and the mean error of soft tissue landmarks was 0.77 mm .

  8. 月球软着陆点的选择与几个预选点的初步对比分析

    The choice of lunar landing sites and a preliminary analysis of several sites

  9. 好吧,那就买软一点的

    All right then , something softer .

  10. 您用温水和面是对的,可以和的软一点。

    Your face with warm water and is right , and can be a little soft .

  11. 我们希望买一张大一点,而且软一点的床。

    You know , we were hoping to find a bed ... that was a little bigger and less hard .

  12. 我只说一次,我要一个煮鸡蛋,要软一点的。

    I 'm going to say this only once , I would like a boiled egg , and I want it runny .

  13. 通常穿尽量软一点的鞋子是有优势的,这样你才可以最有效的运用脚上肌肉。

    It 's most often an advantage using as soft shoes as possible , since you this way get the most out of the muscles in your feet .

  14. 考察了能成纤维的中间相沥青的显微结构、软优化点范围、中间相含量及在各种不同溶剂中的溶解性。

    The microstructure of the intermediate bitumen , the range of softening point , the content of the intermediates and the solubility in several solvents of the intermediate bitumen were investigated .

  15. 该发言人称,由于不是肉做的,因此味道会有些不同,口感要软一点,其卡路里含量也要比鸡肉低一些。该产品将一直出售到9月底。

    Because it isn 't meat , it tastes a bit different . It 's a bit softer , ' the spokeswoman said . ' Calorie-wise , it is a bit lower than chicken as well . ' Tofu Shinjo Nuggets will be available until late September .

  16. 一种基于LIDAR的精确月球软着陆目标点选定方法

    A LIDAR-Based Autonomous Landing Site Selection Method for Pinpoint Lunar Soft Landing

  17. 在设计和分析CPT系统时,选定参数下,系统软开关工作点及其稳态特性是设计人员最为关心的问题。

    In CPT system design and analysis , the soft-switching operating points and their steady-state characteristic are the most concerned points .

  18. 并以LCR串联谐振电路为例,分析了系统软开关工作点的周期不动点函数曲线与系统参数间的内在联系。

    Afterwards , the relationship between the periodic fixed point function and the system parameters has been studied in a LCR series tuned resonant circuit . 2 .

  19. 非接触电能传输系统软开关工作点研究及应用

    Study on Soft Switching Operating Points of Contactless Power Transfer Systems and Their Application

  20. 肘外侧软组织压痛点的临床解剖学研究

    The study on clinical anatomy of tenderness in soft tissue on the lateral of elbow

  21. 好像是变软了一点。

    Seems to have melted a bit .

  22. 信不信由你,我的心特别软,有点笨笨的多愁善感。

    Believe it or not , I have a really soft heart and I can be sappy .

  23. 介绍了一种利用晶闸管两端电压信号来确定软起动结束点的方法。

    A method of identifying the end of soft starting process based on the voltage across the non-conducting thyristor is introduced .

  24. 试图就软组织痛点的解剖学关系与临床病理进行分析,总结体育康复疗法治疗软组织疼痛的康复治疗程序,为临床疼痛治疗提供更多的理论参考和依据。

    The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between pathological and anatomical characteristics , and to present a procedure of physical rehabilitation therapy to treat soft tissue pain for theoretical references and evidence of its clinical treatment .

  25. 目的明确腋神经及其邻近结构的解剖学关系,明确颈椎病肩胛部扳机点的位置,探讨软组织压痛点与腋神经之间的关系。

    Objective To define the anatomical relation of axillary nerves and their relative construction further , confirm the definite position of the trigger points in the scapular region and research the relation between tender points of soft tissue and peripheral nerve .

  26. 莫格里奇为人低调不露锋芒,善用幽默将他人引入自己的思维方式,影响了一代设计师,他们工作于软硬件交汇点,驯服时常让用户抓狂的技术。

    A self-effacing man with a knack for using humour to draw others into his way of thinking , Moggridge influenced a generation of designers working at the juncture of software and hardware to tame technologies that too often left users feeling frustrated .

  27. FPSO软刚臂单点系泊系统动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis on the Tower - yoke Mooring System of FPSO

  28. 我国的渤海海域的FPSO几乎都采用软刚臂单点系泊系统作为系泊设施。

    Most FPSO of Bohai Sea adapts the soft yoke single point mooring system as mooring facilities .

  29. 表面特性对PBGA软金丝键合点可焊性的影响

    Effects of Surface Characteristics on the Bond ability of PBGA Soft Gold Wire Bond Pads

  30. FPSO平台通过系泊系统系泊于某一固定海域,软刚臂单点系泊系统抗风浪能力强,初期投资小,是最适应浅海海域的系泊系统。

    FPSO platform is mooring in a fixed area through the mooring system . The soft yoke single point mooring system has the strong ability to resist wind and waves , need less initial investment , is the most appropriate mooring system in shallow water .