
xī diàn dōnɡ sònɡ
  • Power transmission from west to east;West-East Electricity Transmission Project;transmiting electricity from the western regions to East China
  1. 随着我国西电东送发展战略的实施,特高压输电工程的大力开展,将会有越来越多的输电线路跨越峡谷、河流等容易引起线路覆冰的地区。

    With the implementation of the strategy of west-east electricity transmission project and extra-high voltage transmission project , there will be more and more transmission lines across the valleys , river areas that easily cause power line icing .

  2. 黔西县煤炭资源丰富,是贵州低硫优质无烟煤的重要产区及西电东送的重要供煤基地。

    Qianxi County is rich in coal resources in Guizhou province . Furthermore it is an important production base of quality anthracite and " West-East electricity transmission project " .

  3. 查阅大量的文献资料,分析了内外部环境以及银河科技产业园所面临的电力改革、西电东送工程的完成、加入WTO等诸多因素;

    Secondly , the thesis consults a lot of materials and analyzes the interior and exterior environment and some other factors such as the power industry reform , Shaanxi engineering ' compact , China 's entry WTO and so on ;

  4. 随着西电东送战略的实施,我国南方电网已成为较大规模交直流互联电力系统,其控制系统多采用PI控制策略。

    Along with the development of West to East Power Transmission Stratagem , China Southern Power Grid has become a large scale AC / DC interconnected power system . The PI control strategy is applied in its control system .

  5. 发展750kV电压等级输电线路和采用FACTS技术是加快西北能源开发,实施西电东送的重要措施。

    Development of 750 kV transmission lines and application of FACTS technique is an important measures to speed up the development of energy resources in Northwest China and realization of power transmission from west to east .

  6. 介绍了十五期间,南方互联电网西电东送广东电网的容量规划、输变电项目工程建设规划以及广东电网2005年500kV目标网架建设设想。

    This article describes the transmitted electricity power capacity planning and transmission project schedule from west to east of southern interconnected grid in tenth five years and conceives the 500 kV objective frame of Guangdong power network in year 2005 .

  7. 采用ATMOS长距离传输模型,预测了“西电东送”北通道火电规划空气污染物排放对北京市空气质量的影响。

    The air quality impact in Beijing , which will result from the pollutants emissions of the " Thermal Power Planning for the Northern Passageway of the West-east Power Transfer Project ", has been predicted by ATMOS long-distance transfer model .

  8. 提高南方电网西电东送能力研究

    Study on Improvement of Power Transmission Capacity of South-China Power Grid

  9. 加快西北地区电力开发实施西电东送战略

    Strategy of transmitting electric power from West China to East China

  10. 西电东送北通道西北向华北送电规划研究

    Study on planning for power transmission from Northwest to North China

  11. 对我国未来西电东送输电技术的战略初探

    A Probe into Strategy Study for China ' Future Power Transmission Technology

  12. 西电东送输电通道损耗最小最优功率分配方法

    Optimal Power Distribution Method with Minimized Loss of the West-to-East Transmission Lines

  13. 西电东送战略研究

    Strategy study on the power transmission from west to east

  14. 西电东送输入区环境效应综合评价&以广东省为例

    Integrated Evaluation on Environmental Effects of West-East Power Transmission in Guangdong Province

  15. 西电东送需要政策支持

    Electricity transmission from West to East needs support in policy

  16. 全国西电东送规划研究

    Researches on the Planning of Power Transmission From West to East in China

  17. 西电东送广东电网安全稳定控制系统设置策略研究

    Research on strategies of security and stability control system in Guangdong power grid

  18. 建设了西气东输、西电东送等重大能源运输通道。

    West-to-east gas and electricity transmission projects are ongoing .

  19. 监理在西电东送工程建设中

    Supervising in Transmitting from West to East Project Construction

  20. 西电东送:被改写的中国电力版图

    Transmitting Electricity from West to East : Changing China 's Power Supply Pattern

  21. 论西电东送的必要性和可行性

    Discussion on Necessity and Rationality of Electric Power Transmission from West to East

  22. 西电东送的区域能源效应分析

    Analysis of the Effects of West to East Electricity Transmission on Regional Energy

  23. 对贵州实施西电东送的绩效预测

    A Performance Prediction of the Implementation of " West-to-East Power Transmission " in Guizhou

  24. 西电东送与西南能源资源配套开发研究

    Research on Sending Electricity From West to East and Matching Exploration of Energy Resources

  25. 西电东送区域经济效应评价

    Evaluating Effects of Transmitting Electricity from the West to the East on Regional Economy

  26. 切实抓好“西电东送”工程管理

    Conscientiously grasping engineering management of projects for " sending west power to east "

  27. 介绍了西电东送战略的由来;

    The origin of transmission of power in West to East strategy is introduced .

  28. 乌江梯级水电站在贵州西电东送中的作用

    Effect of Wujiang River cascade hydropower stations on West to East Power Transmission Project

  29. 西电东送是西部大开发战略的有力支撑

    Power transmission from west to east is a strong support for the Western Development Strategy

  30. 西电东送工程中电网稳定性若干问题的仿真研究

    Power System Stability Simulation Study in the Power Transmission from the West to the East