
  1. 资源赋存与能源消费地域的错位布局形成了北煤南运、西煤东运的基本格局。

    The layout of distribution and consumption formed the basic pattern of coal transportation from north to south , west to east .

  2. 由于我国资源分布与消费地之间的逆向分布,导致煤炭运输呈现北煤南运西煤东运的运输格局。

    For the distribution of resources and consumption is imbalanced , resulting transportation of coal from north to south and west to east .

  3. 大秦铁路是中国第一条以开行重载单元式列车为主的双线电气化铁路,是我国西煤东运的重要煤运通道。

    Da-Qin line is the first double-tracking and electrification railroad for running heavy-haul unit train and important route for the western coal transportation in our country .

  4. 黄骅港作为我国西煤东运的重要港口,自2001年建成以来,一直深受外航道严重淤积的困扰。

    As an important port which transports coal from west to east in China , HuanghuaPort has been puzzled by the severe siltation of outer channel since being built in2001 .

  5. 而煤炭资源和市场的分布特点造就了我国西煤东运和北煤南运的煤炭资源供应格局,从而使铁路运力成为煤炭资源供应的瓶颈环节。

    However , the distribution characteristics of coal resource and market lead to the " West-East coal transportation " and " North-South coal transportation " supply pattern , making railway transport capacity being the bottleneck of coal resource supply .

  6. 中国煤炭资源具有天然的区域分异性,我国经济发展亦存在着地域上的不平衡,西煤东运、北煤南运,便是煤炭资源区域分异现象与经济区域分异性相悖之体现。

    The Chinese coal resources have inherent regional differentiation , while the Chinese economic development exist also regional disequilibrium . The transportation of coal from west to east and from north to south is the reflection of preposterous between the two differentiations .

  7. 由于我国煤炭产地主要集中在西北地区,而火力发电厂又多建于东南沿海,煤炭运输主要表现为西煤东运、北煤南运的运输格局。

    The coal in our country is mainly located in the northwest , but coal-fired power plants are usually built on the southeast coast , which leads to the mode of " coal transport form north to south and west to east " in coal transportation .

  8. 同时也使榆林成为西煤东运的源头、西气东输的腹地、西电东送的枢纽,从而成为名副其实的国家新型能源接续地和中国第一产能大市。

    At the same time , also become the West Yulin coal shipped East of the source of the hinterland of West-East Gas Pipeline , the West-East Power Transmission Project , which is a genuine continuation of the country and new energy production capacity in China market .