
  1. 美国对西伯利亚的武装干涉在美俄两国关系史上占有十分重要的地位,并对其后两国关系的发展产生了深远的影响。

    America 's Siberian intervention played an important role in the history of America-Russia relationship and deeply influenced the relations between the two countries from then on .

  2. 但在威尔逊的理想主义外交等各种因素的影响下,美国最终断然选择从西伯利亚撤兵,美国对俄国西伯利亚的干涉也随之以失败而告终。

    Under the influence of Wilsonian idealist diplomacy and other factors as well , America firmly withdrew its army from Siberia , however , America 's Siberian intervention was finally proved to be a failure immediately .