
  1. 鸦片战争前中国的西式建筑概述

    A Brief Introduction of Western Architecture in China before Opium War

  2. 东南大学校园内西式建筑研究

    A Research on Western Architecture on the Campus of Southeast University

  3. 漫步济南大街小巷,你可以看到不少风景各异的西式建筑。

    Wandering everywhere in Jinan , you can see many western architectures with different styles .

  4. 虽然许多传统建筑物依然存在,但是几乎所有的新式建筑都是西式建筑。

    Although many traditional buildings still exist , almost all new buildings are built in Western style .

  5. 这些建筑成了西式建筑东渐的先驱,也为中西建筑文化交流开辟了道路。

    All these were the previous western architecture in China , as well as gave the way for architectural culture exchange .

  6. 当时西式建筑都是沿用欧洲流行的风格建造,有新古典主义、折衷主义及浪漫主义等风格;

    The western architecture always provide popular styles from Europe , such as Neoclassicism , Eclectic , and Romanticism styles among others .

  7. 受西方建筑风格影响的西安近代西式建筑是西安近代建筑走向“西化”的缩影。

    The modern western-style architectures of Xi an influenced by western architecture are the epitome of westernization of Xi an modern architecture .

  8. 但藏不是简单地用来传达西式建筑无以破坏这个重要园林的和谐,它也是用来制造惊喜的效果。

    But concealment was not used simply to communicate that nothing Western could mar the harmony of the main garden ; it was used to create surprises as well .

  9. 早期殖民地式建筑的影响和西方传教士在西安的建设活动使西安人开始渐渐接受了西式建筑,并逐渐崇尚和模仿起来,这一时期也建造了一些接近西洋风格的建筑。

    Because of the impact of early colonial architecture and the Western buildings the natives in Xi ' an were beginning to accept the Western-style buildings , and gradually advocate and imitate them , the western style buildings were also built in this period .

  10. 由于地处内陆,西安近代建筑中仍然有一部分延续传统建筑装饰风格,但大部分建筑由于受到西式建筑的影响而呈现中西合璧的特征。

    Construction teams and real estate companies . Landlocked Xi ' an Modern buildings are still part of the continuation of the traditional architectural style , but due to the influence of Western architecture , most of the buildings present the characteristics of Chinese and Western .

  11. 翩。校园内的景观和许多建筑都具备鲜明的中国传统特色,不过这所大学还拥有为数不少的西式宏伟建筑,比如老图书馆和大礼堂。

    The landscaping and many of the buildings are traditional Chinese , but the campus also boasts many Western-style edifices , such as the quad and auditorium : T. Chuang , the university 's