- bustle;pannier;panier

[panier] 一对裙环中之一个(如由钢或鲸骨制成的),旧时用以将妇女长裙的两侧撑开
A bustle is used to make the dress look more beautiful .
" Does the bustle make my ass look bigger or smaller ?"
While as a support , the crinoline is a must to expand the outline of the dress .
The founding father used a number of pseudonyms to publish opinionated newspaper pieces : " Silence Dogood " to critique hypocrisy and hoopskirts ;
Out in the open in the fine snow of Hokkaido cluster the great white cranes , the black tertial plumes of their broad wings arranged over their rumps like elegant bustles .
With its crinoline-style skirt , nipped-in waist and sweetheart neckline , this gown - a highlight of the exhibition - is a perfect example of the Queen 's style in the Fifties .
The early Baroque period , women abandoned the clumsy design of the inconvenience of tights and a skirt stays , clothing , and all sag and multi-pleated skirt , skirt length and ground .