
  • 网络declining industry
  1. 衰退产业的调整是经济结构调整的核心问题。

    The declining industry is the core of the economic structural adjustment .

  2. 衰退产业中企业创新的方向与路径

    Directions and Paths for Firm Innovation Under the Declining Industry

  3. 产业创新是衰退产业中企业的生存选择。

    Industrial innovation is the strategic choice for enterprise to surviving .

  4. 文章首先分析了衰退产业中企业创新的目标层次;

    Firstly , the paper analyses objects of the innovation .

  5. 产业转移是衰退产业退出的最优选择。

    The industrial transference is the best choice to withdraw declining industries .

  6. 衰退产业创新的路径选择

    On the Choice of Paths to Innovating Declining Industries

  7. 论衰退产业发展中的企业战略创新

    Strategy Innovation and the Development of the Declining Industry

  8. 论衰退产业调整模式

    On the adjustment models of the declining industry

  9. 资源型城市资源有效开发利用与衰退产业之间的关联关系研究

    Study on the Association between Resource-efficient Development and Utilization and the Declining in Resource-based Cities

  10. 将该模型应用于大连市衰退产业的筛选,得出大连市衰退产业的名单。

    The names of Dalian declining industries are got by way of the identifying model .

  11. 构建衰退产业识别模型对城市衰退产业进行筛选和分类;

    The identification model is constructed to choose and classify the declining industries in cities .

  12. 如何识别衰退产业成为产业经济学的一个难题。

    Howto discern the declining in ˉ dustry becomes a difficult problem of industry s economics .

  13. 衰退产业是一种越来越普遍的产业形态。

    Declining industry is one of the forms of industry which become more and more general today .

  14. 这些就为我们制定和实施衰退产业政策提供了依据。解决好产业衰退的问题要靠政策的指导,科学地制定和有效地实施衰退产业政策对产业经济乃至整个国民经济都有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to draw the policies for recession industry scientifically and implement them effectively .

  15. 衰退产业的企业创新战略探讨

    Strategic Innovation in Declining Industries

  16. 对衰退产业的思考

    Thinking on decline industry

  17. 主要是建立资源开发补偿机制和衰退产业的援助机制。

    The compensation system of resources development and the aid system of the declined industry should be set up .

  18. 产业创新主要是把信息技术和生命科学技术融入衰退产业并开发出全新的产品或产业的过程;

    Industrial innovating is combining IT and life science technology into the declining industry to develop new products or industries .

  19. 根据产业关联度标准以及创新的难易程度可以把衰退产业创新的路径归结为产业竞争规则创新、产业延伸、创造全新产业三类。

    The paths of innovating declining industries can be divided as follows : innovation of industrial competition regulations , industrial extension and creation of brand new industries .

  20. 在产业融合背景下,衰退产业通过与信息产业、绿色产业、生命科学产业的融合,实现产业创新,摆脱衰退。

    Under industry convergence Environment , innovation can be put into practice by convergence of declining industry with IT industry , green industry or life science industry .

  21. 因此,汝城需要进行以第三产业为主导的产业转型,逐步将资本、劳动力等生产要素从衰退产业转向新兴产业。

    Therefore , Rucheng needs to restructure as tertiary industry dominate , shifting capital , labor and other factors of production from declining industries to new industries gradually .

  22. 针对缺乏有效的城市衰退产业筛选方法的现状,构建了城市衰退产业识别模型;并根据衰退机理与成因,对城市衰退产业进行类别划分;

    Based on the current situation , the identifying model on city 's declining industry is constructed , and those declining industries are categorized based on their cause of formation .

  23. 不同类型的衰退产业有着不同的调整模式,即结构升级、资源重组、产业创新、区位调整。

    According to the types of the declining industries , the paper puts forward four new models as follows : structural upgrading , resources restructuring , industrial innovating , and local adjusting .

  24. 企业并购不仅是企业扩张的主要方式,也是企业不断由衰退产业向新兴产业转移和蜕变的重要途径,是企业进军新领域的有效手段。

    Mergers and acquisitions ( M & A ) is an important way of business expansion , and also a usual method for enterprises to transfer from declining industries to new industries .

  25. 首先选择具有代表性的市场经济国家和地区的衰退产业转型作为比较研究的对象,通过比较研究,为我国城市衰退产业转型提供可资借鉴的经验教训。

    First , take the declining industry conversion of typical market-economy nations and regions as objective to do contrast research , and summarize the good experience on declining industry conversion for our nation .

  26. 任何地区只要能够预见性地运用动态的方法和科学的标准来抉择地区的主导产业群,及时更新衰退产业,持久保持经济的活力和区域的可持续发展是完全有可能的。

    If any region can use dynamic method and scientific standard to select leading industry clusters foresightedly , and upgrade the declining in time , it is possible to keep the development of economic .

  27. 论文最后,分析了保障产业转型顺利实施的政策机制,讨论了资源开发补偿机制、衰退产业援助机制、接替产业扶持机制的建立和各自的作用。

    Finally , the policy mechanism to insure smooth industrial transition is analyzed , and the establishment and function of the systems of exploitation compensation , aiding declining industries , supporting substitute industry are discussed .

  28. 产业转移的目的不仅仅是转移成熟、衰退产业和加速培育新兴产业,而是整个产业在全球范围内优势资源整合,实现利益最大化。

    The aim of Industrial transfer is not only to transfer mature , declining industry or speed up the cultivation of burgeoning industry , but also to integrate the globally comparative advantages of industry , achieving the maximization benefit .

  29. 以调整重庆市工业经济结构为中心,以增大工业结构调整的利益空间、资源倾斜配置和援助衰退产业中的企业顺利退出为支点,针对重庆市工业调整的基本思路,提出实施办法。

    Centered by adjusting the industrial economic structure , widening the beneficial space of industrial structure adjustment , enlarging resource inclination disposition and helping the enterprises on the decline to withdraw smoothly , aimed at the basic thought of Chongqing industrial adjustment , the author proposes the countermeasures .

  30. 衰退产业创新有三种基本战略,即进攻型创新战略、防御型创新战略和模仿与依赖型创新战略。

    The paper discusses three basic strategies for enterprise to innovate in declining industry , that is offensive innovation strategy , defensive innovation strategy , imitation and dependent innovation strategy , which focus on analyzing the conditions , advantages and disadvantages , polices for enterprise to implement these strategies .