- Compensatory Leave;take deferred holidays;make up the missed rest

[make up the missed rest] 职工因加班而未休息,也没拿加班费,事后按天数补给休息日。也说补假
B : You can take some time off later .
B : You can discuss with your manager , and take some time off when it is not busy .
Because the holiday fall on sunday , we got nest monday off .
I am take the day off tomorrow to make up for last sunday .
27.5 % had statutory holiday pay ; I am take the day off tomorrow to make up for last sunday .
However , Party A shall make overtime payment according to provisions of laws to protect party b 's legitimate rights and interests .
To pay 200 percent of the usual wage for work during rest days if the rest could not be delayed to another time .
Northing on earth could persuade me to take another holiday . I am take the day off tomorrow to make up for last sunday .
If you have to work overtime , we usually balance that out with extra time off . For all this loss and scorn , what offset ?
Keep monthly records regarding staff tardiness , absenteeism , vacation , sick leave , leave with out pay , compassionate leave , and maternity leave for MIS reports and year-end bonus evaluation .
But unlike in the US , French professionals are compensated for the hours they work beyond 35 with rest days , which are negotiated on a company-by-company basis ( there were nine rest days , on average , given by companies in 2013 ) .
Such exceptions shall , as far as possible , follow the provisions of this standard but may take account of more frequent or longer leave periods or the granting of compensatory leave for watchkeeping seafarers or seafarers working on board ships on short voyages .