
xíng huì shòu huì
  • bribery;offering or accepting bribes;give or receive bribes
行贿受贿[xíng huì shòu huì]
  1. 司法部长洛蕾塔‧E‧林奇(LorettaE.Lynch)还在纽约东区当联邦检察官时,就开始主持这起调查,她说“一次又一次,一年又一年,每项赛事”都有行贿受贿行为。

    Bribery occurred " over and over , year after year , tournament after tournament , " said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch , who has supervised the investigation from the days when she was the United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York .

  2. 这位议员被证实犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。

    The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery .

  3. 对这整套行贿受贿的把戏,我感到深恶痛绝。

    This whole bribery business just has me sick to death .

  4. 抽样样本中,大多数公司都有严格的规定,以用来禁绝行贿受贿。

    Most firms in the sample have strict rules barring bribery .

  5. 经济学家指出,这样的小规模行贿受贿危害很大。

    Economists argue that such small-scale graft does great damage .

  6. 他们被指控参与行贿受贿。

    They are accused of being involved in venal practices .

  7. 我们的问题是,行贿受贿成为社会默认的潜规则。

    Our problem is , bribery has become a hidden regulation of society connivance .

  8. 而泰国的人们现在有了一种更加便捷的方式可以匿名举报行贿受贿情况。

    Now people in Thailand have a more convenient way to informally report corruption .

  9. 当时盛行的官僚腐败与行贿受贿带来了一直影响着这个朝代土地私有化的负面后果。

    Rife bureaucratic corruption and bribery contributed into lingering adverse consequences of land privatizations throughout the dynasty .

  10. 反行贿受贿的法令已通过,现正等待总统签署。

    The law against bribery has already been passed and is now awaiting the president 's signature .

  11. 事情的真相是:这样一种工作不仅存在,而且极易招致行贿受贿事件。

    It emerged not only that such a job existed , but that it was particularly subject to bribery .

  12. 缺乏正直不诚实;尤其是行贿受贿;利用地位或信任收受不正当的财物。

    Lack of integrity or honesty ; esp susceptibility to bribery ; use of a position of trust for dishonest gain .

  13. 中国惩治行贿受贿犯罪的立法和司法实践

    And crime of acceptance of bribes . Views on legislation on offering bribes and taking bribes and judiciary practice in China

  14. 我要忏悔:如果说贿赂是为了影响判断或行为而提供的某种好处,那么我已经行贿受贿了。

    A confession : if a bribe is something offered to influence judgment or conduct , then I have given and taken bribes .

  15. 如果新闻标题可信的话,那么,亚洲正迸发着创业活力还有行贿受贿、秘密交易和公司诈骗。

    Asia is bursting with entrepreneurial energy and bribery , backdoor deals and corporate skulduggery , if the news headlines are to be believed .

  16. 耶鲁公开课-美国内战与重建课程节选这几十年间,美国伟大铁路建起来了,这当然是是通过政府的支助,以及伴随着数不清的行贿受贿

    The great American railroads were built by and large , for decades , by government subsidies , and a tremendous amount of corruption .

  17. 舞弊行为(如行贿受贿).各报一致猛烈抨击这位政客,因为他收受贿赂。

    Corrupt practices , eg the offering and accepting of bribes The newspapers have made a dead set at this politician for taking bribes .

  18. 行贿受贿的问题是国内外法学界十分关注的热点问题。

    The problem of giving or receiving bribes is a hot spot problem paid close attention to by law circle both at home and abroad .

  19. 进入新的世纪,随着依法治国方略的实施,从源头上预防和治理行贿受贿犯罪取得了长足的进展。

    After entry into the new century and with the adoption of rule by law , there has been great progress regarding prevention of corruption from its source .

  20. 我认为,如果所有的发展机构都能把在项目里行贿受贿的企业和个人公开列入黑名单,就像世界银行已经做的,这将是有好处的。

    I believe it would be good if all development institutions would publicly blacklist firms and individuals that engage in bribery in projects , as the World Bank already does .

  21. 20世纪50年代以来,西方企业界出现的行贿受贿、弄虚作假、价格垄断、环境污染等管理伦理问题。

    Since 1950s , there had appeared ethical problems in administration , such as bribery , fraud , monopoly of price , environmental pollution , etc. in the circle of western enterprise .

  22. 接着进一步分析了我国现代企业伦理存在的问题,主要体现在歧视现象、偷税漏税、行贿受贿、假冒伪劣、环境污染、不正当竞争、侵害职工权益等。

    The problems in our modern enterprise ethics are analyzed . They are discrimination , tax evasion , bribery , fake and inferior , environmental pollution , unfair competition , aggression upon workers ' rights , and so on .

  23. 近些年来,腐败问题呈现出一些新的特点与趋势,国家工作人员与特定关系人共同受贿现象日益增多,这给我们防止和惩治腐败,打击行贿受贿问题带来了新的挑战。

    In recent years , corruption presents some new characteristics and trend , the national staff and a special related person common bribery phenomenon is increasing , this gives us to prevent and punish corruption , combating bribery problem brings new challenges .

  24. 腐败的根源直接取决于行贿和受贿犯罪之间的因果关系。

    Depends directly on the root causes of corruption , bribery and crime causation .

  25. 对行贿或受贿的人罚以重金或给予监禁,能减少他们的收入。

    Stiff fines or jail terms for persons offering or accepting bribes diminish their incomes .

  26. 这就变成一种相对的犯罪,取决于行贿和受贿者分别是谁。

    It is a relative crime , depending on who does the bribing and who gets bribed .

  27. 行贿和受贿是促进洗黑钱活动的有效媒介,其祸害绝对不容忽视。

    Here bribery is considered an effective means to facilitate money laundering , and its significance cannot be overstated .

  28. 对于共同犯罪和行贿、受贿罪的不同情况,要区别对待,正确定罪。

    Different situations of complicity and offering and accepting bribes should be treated differently , and be convicted correctly .

  29. 蒋艳萍犯有贪污、行贿、受贿等罪行,拥有多项来历不明的资产。

    Ms. Jiang was found guilty on multiple accounts of corruption , giving and receiving enormous bribes , and owning assets from unexplained sources .

  30. 贿赂犯罪存在行贿与受贿的对向性,因此司法机关对受贿犯罪自首的认定上比较混乱。

    Bribery crime has the subtending of briber-offering and bribe-taking , so there are confusions in defining the surrender of bribery crimes by judicial organs .