
  • 网络administrative protection
  1. TRIPS协议与我国知识产权行政保护

    TRIPS and China 's Administrative Protection of Intellectual Property

  2. 国家药品监督管理局(SDA)负责药品的行政保护;

    The State Drug Administration (" SDA ") was responsible for administrative protection of pharmaceuticals ;

  3. 我国已正式成为世界贸易组织的成员,世界贸易组织《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(简称TRIPS协议)肯定了知识产权的行政保护,同时对知识产权行政保护提出了新的要求。

    《 Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right 》 ( TRIPS ) designed by WTO has confirmed the administrative protection of intellectual property . And it also puts forward some new requests about the administrative protection .

  4. 第一部分介绍了TRIPS协议产生的背景、重要意义和主要特点,并从原则、实体要求和执法要求三个方面介绍了TRIPS协议关于知识产权行政保护的规定。

    The first part introduces the surroundings , the important meaning and the major features of the TRIPS , and it also tells us the regulations of TRIPS about administrative protection of intellectual property from the aspects of the principles , substantial requests and law-enforcement requests .

  5. 药品行政保护品种介绍:生物医学技术药物

    Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals : biomedical technology drugs

  6. 论高新技术企业知识产权的行政保护

    ROn the Administrative Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in High-tech Enterprises

  7. 药品行政保护品种介绍:呼吸系统药

    Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals : respiratory system agents

  8. 新技术革命与知识产权行政保护制度创新论要

    Technology Revolution and Protection for Intellectual Property through Administrative Mechanism

  9. 行政保护具有中国特色,但是并非我国独有的。

    It has the Chinese characteristic , but not unique .

  10. 我们的新药保护将从行政保护走向专利保护。

    Administrative protection of drug will be replaced by protection of patent .

  11. 论加强企业名称权的行政保护

    Enhance the Administration Protection of the Business Enterprise Name Power

  12. 笔者给出了两种途径:司法保护和行政保护。

    Author provides two ways : protecting by law & protecting by administration .

  13. 药品行政保护品种介绍&心血管系统药物(二)(续一)

    Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals : cardiovascular drugs ( 2 )

  14. 它带有浓厚的行政保护色彩。

    This model protection carries with itself the strong colour of administrative protection .

  15. 实行以行政保护为主、以民事保护为辅的保护措施。

    Taking both administrative measures and civil measures .

  16. 数字图书馆与《互联网著作权行政保护办法》

    A Review of Administrative Protection of Copyright on the Internet about Digital Library ;

  17. 二是要健全完善知识产权行政保护体系。

    Secondly , there is a need to further perfect the administrative protective system .

  18. 专有技术的法律保护与行政保护

    Legal Protection and Administrative Protection of Special Technology

  19. 论知识产权的行政保护

    On the Administrative Protection of Intellectual Property

  20. 在中国申请行政保护的药品

    Pharmaceuticals apply for administrative protection in China

  21. 药品行政保护品种介绍:抗感染药(一)(待续)

    Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals : anti-infective agents ( 1 )( continuation )

  22. 我国少数民族语言文字权行政保护探讨

    An Inquisition into Administrative Protection for the Minority Nationalities ' Right to Written and Spoken Language

  23. 著作权的行政保护是我国著作权法上的一大特色。

    The administrative protection of copyright is a characteristic of the Copyright Law in our country .

  24. 专利权的行政保护由专利业务管理部门和海关负责。

    The patent administrative protection is responsible by the patent business management department and the customs .

  25. 知识产权海关保护制度作为一项知识产权行政保护的边境措施,其理论基础并不复杂。

    IPRs Customs Protection is an administrative border measure , its theories contains no complicated foundation .

  26. 药品行政保护品种介绍:其他类药品(六)(续五)

    Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals : other agents ( 6 ) ( continuation 5 );

  27. 在我国也产生过版权行政保护是强化还是弱化的争论。

    Also there are arguments that administrative protection of copyright is to strengthen or weaken in China .

  28. 著作权行政保护是我国著作权保护制度中重要的组成部分。

    It is an important part that administrative protection of copyright of copyright protection system in China .

  29. 药品行政保护品种介绍:甾体药物(三)(续二)

    Product brief of administrative protection of pharmaceuticals : steroidal agents ( 3 ) ( continuation 2 );

  30. 1984年最早出台了行政保护与司法保护并存的双轨制。

    First introduced in 1984 , administrative protection and judicial protection of co-existence of " dual track " .