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xíng rén
  • pedestrian
行人 [xíng rén]
  • [pedestrian] 步行的人。古指出行的人;出征的人;又作使者的通称

  • 会其行人发露,瓒亦枭夷,故使锋芒错缩,厥图不果。--《三国演义》

  • 行人驻足听。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 行人弓箭各在腰。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

  • 过者问行人

  • 行人但云点行频

行人[xíng rén]
  1. 行人受伤事故下降了5%。

    Pedestrian accidents are down by 5 % .

  2. 卡车司机安然脱险,但有一位行人受了伤。

    The lorry driver escaped unhurt , but a pedestrian was injured

  3. 在外行人眼里,这些孩子表现正常。

    To the untrained eye , the children were behaving ordinarily .

  4. 接到有炸弹的警告后,警察疏散了街上的行人。

    After the bomb warning , police cleared the streets .

  5. 只有内行人才能看出其中的差异。

    It took a practised eye to spot the difference .

  6. 桥上行人川流不息。

    People streamed across the bridge .

  7. 所有受伤的行人中有1/3以上是儿童。

    More than a third of all pedestrian injuries are to children .

  8. 开车的人因不考虑行人而受到指责。

    Motorists were criticised for being inconsiderate to pedestrians .

  9. 村里的路上挤满了车辆行人。

    The village 's roads are choked with traffic

  10. 条条小路全挤满了车马行人。

    The small roads are chock-a-block with traffic .

  11. 走在街上总能看到乞丐纠缠行人乞讨。

    One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by .

  12. 人行道上的行人熙熙攘攘。

    The sidewalks are bustling with people

  13. 行人经常无视交通法规。

    Pedestrians often flout the traffic law .

  14. 街上行人川流不息。

    People streamed across the street .

  15. 行人靠边走。

    Pedestrians keep to the side of the road .

  16. 行人走便道。

    Pedestrians keep to the sidewalk [ footpath ] !

  17. 街上行人稀少。

    There were few people in the street .

  18. 驾车者要多注意行人的安全。

    The drivers of motor vehicles should pay greater attention to the safety of the pedestrians .

  19. 每天举行两三次施舍,为身无分文的饥饿行人供应食物。

    Food was provided for penniless but hungry travelers at the two or three daily feed-ins .

  20. 几个行人在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。

    Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement .

  21. 加设岗哨,盘查行人。

    More sentries were posted to interrogate and examine the passers-by .

  22. 小汽车在行人和车辆中迂回前进。

    The small car wove through the traffic .

  23. 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。(杜牧《清明》)

    The rain falls thick and fast on all souls'day , | the men and women sadly move along the way .

  24. 车辚辚,马萧萧,行人弓箭各在腰。(杜甫《兵车行》)

    Chariots rumbling , horses neighing ; | soldiers on the march , each with a bow and arrow at the waist .

  25. 现在是他们必须注册和投保的时候了,所以当他们撞上行人或车辆,或造成事故时,至少他们可以得到治疗,而且可能有机会提出索赔。——JML

    It 's about time they had to be registered and insured , so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle , or cause an accident , at least they can be treated and there might be an opportunity to claim . —— JML

  26. 别提骑自行车的人了。行人才是真正的危险因素。

    Forget   cyclists .   Pedestrians   are   real   danger .

  27. 行人可能是最大的违规者。

    But pedestrians are probably the worse offenders .

  28. 骑自行车的人常常骑上人行道(本来是行人专用)又下来,还骑得很快,而且他们觉得自己有闯红灯的特权。

    Cyclists jump on and off pavements ( which are meant for pedestrians ) , ride at speed along the pavements , and think they have a special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red .

  29. 真正的问题在于,至少在目前,一些行人似乎活在在自己的世界里,而且对他们而言那比别人的利益重要得多。——麦克·霍兰

    The real problem is that some pedestrians seem to be , at least for the moment , in worlds of their own that are , to them , much more important than the welfare of others . —— Michael Horan

  30. 行人走斑马线时,交通就阻塞了

    When passengers are using a zebra crossing , traffic is held up .