
xíng yī
  • practise medicine;practice medicine (usu.on one's own);medical practice
行医 [xíng yī]
  • [practise medicine (usu.on ones own)] 从事医务工作(多指个人主持经营的)

行医[xíng yī]
  1. 当他年青时,他就开始行医。

    He began to practise medicine when he was young .

  2. 她获得了行医资格。

    She is certified to practise medicine .

  3. 在私人行医的问题上,我不敢苟同她的观点。

    I don 't go along with her views on private medicine .

  4. 她于1956年开始行医。

    She commenced her medical career in 1956 .

  5. 她在费城行医。

    She 's practicing medicine in Philadelphia .

  6. 他被禁止行医。

    He was banned from practising medicine .

  7. 30多年前,我从伦敦大学毕业,取得了行医资格。

    I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago .

  8. 多数去避难的医生永远没有机会在英国医院行医。

    Most refugee doctors never get the chance to practice medicine in British hospitals

  9. 这支队伍中的成员没有一个具有行医资格,而且他们使用的方法也被认为根本不科学。

    No member of the team was medically qualified and its methods were considered totally unscientific .

  10. 我行医是为了治病救人,而不是浪费时间为预算问题争论不休。

    I went into medicine to care for patients , not to waste time bickering over budgets

  11. 我的志趣不是行医。

    I 've no inclinations towards life as a doctor .

  12. 李时珍年轻时曾帮助父亲行医。

    Li Shizhen used to help his father in his medical practice when he was young .

  13. 他挂出了祖父的行医招牌。

    He hung out his grandfather 's shingle .

  14. 他是那种再普通不过的行医者,说不出多大年纪,相貌也没什么值得一提的。

    He was the usual cut and dry apothecary , of no particular age and color .

  15. 两个医生在不同的日子里轮流上门行医,按两种不同的病症医治,不断加大药量,英语小故事护理也越来越严格,这样一直连续了好几个星期。

    This continued for some weeks , the physicians visiting him on alternate days and treating him for two different disorders2 , with constantly enlarging doses of medicine and more and more rigorous nursing .

  16. 在足球世界里,大多数运动员的头脑很快就根植于球靴之中,而苏格拉底却谈论梵高(VanGogh)及古巴史,行医济世,忧心民主。

    In a sport in which most players " brains soon take residence in their boots , he talked of Van Gogh and Cuban history , practised medicine and worried about democracy .

  17. ECFMG的认证是为了要评定这些医学院校生符合在美国行医的标准。

    The purpose of ECFMG Certification is to assess the readiness of graduates of these schools to enter U.

  18. 他们的目标是让医生和“sangomas”走到一起,相互学习对方是如何行医的,并在艾滋病医学干预问题上合作。

    They aim to bring doctors and sangomas together to learn about each other 's practices , and to collaborate on HIV / AIDS intervention .

  19. 受害者似乎有一个共同点,那就是他们都接受过严漆(YEMChrin)的治疗。严漆是一名乡村医生,上个月被控重度谋杀、故意传播HIV,以及无照行医。

    What the victims appear to have in common is that they were treated by Yem Chrin , a village medical practitioner who was charged last month with aggravated murder , intentionally spreading H.I.V. and practicing without a medical license .

  20. 在金融城行医的thepriory精神病学顾问尼尔布雷纳(neilbrener)医生表示,工作时间长、目标苛刻、依赖工作获取自豪感,这些因素都会产生压力,导致酗酒。

    Dr Neil Brener , a consultant psychiatrist for the Priory who practises in the city , said long hours , demanding targets and a reliance on work for feelings of self-esteem created stress that led to alcohol abuse .

  21. Mhlongo在夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省作为传统治疗师行医34年,他说传统治疗师已经越来越意识到这种草药在治疗艾滋病病毒感染者方面的成功。

    Mhlongo , who has practised as a traditional healer in KwaZulu-Natal for34 years , said traditional healers have become increasingly aware of the herb 's success in treating HIV-positive patients .

  22. 梅里达的父亲莫伊塞斯(Moises)是亚马逊库贝欧(Cubeo)部落的行医者,当时他不在家,接下来的一个月里也没有回村庄。

    Melida 's father , Moises , a traditional healer of the Amazon 's Cubeo group , was away at the time and did not return to their village for another month .

  23. 去年,医疗委员会共取消了60名医生的行医资格。

    Last year the GMC struck off a total of60 doctors .

  24. 他行医(做律师)已有30年。

    He 's practised medicine ( law ) for 30 years .

  25. 我要吊销你丈夫的行医执照。

    I 'm going to have your husband 's medical license .

  26. 简陋小诊所里,行医者在给病人输液。

    Doctors give patients injections in a simple and crude clinic .

  27. 非法行医罪主体的认定

    On Determination of the Subject in Crime of Illegally Practising Physician

  28. 试论非法行医罪的客体

    Discussion on the Object of the Crime of Unlawfully Practising Medicine

  29. 工作的重点是在行医时对病人的关怀方面。

    The emphasis was on the human side of doctoring .

  30. 非法行医屡禁不止的原因与对应措施的研究

    The reasons for the illegal practice of repeated research and corresponding measures