
  • 网络Action theory;Theory of Reasoned Action;TRA
  1. 冯-赖特的行动理论在各种理论中独树一帜。

    Von Wright created a unique action theory .

  2. 基于行动理论的智能体模型

    An Agent Model Based on Action Theory

  3. 西方集体行动理论研究的演化及发展

    The Evolvement and Development of Western Theory about Collective Action

  4. 哈贝马斯的普遍语用学是其体系庞繁的交往行动理论的基础。

    Universal Pragmatics is the base of the complex theory of Communicative Action .

  5. 沟通行动理论与国际关系研究

    Theory of Communicative Action and Study of International Relations

  6. 社会学视角:消费行为、消费社会学与行动理论

    Expense behavior , expense sociology and motion theory

  7. 基于因果关系的行动理论扩充

    Extension of action theory based on causality

  8. 用交往行动理论来指导并实现对历史唯物主义的重建,是哈贝马斯人生的一大抱负。

    One of Habermas'life ambition was to reshape historical materialism with the theory of communication .

  9. 因此,培育研究把行动理论作为其基础理论之一。

    Thereby , action theory is one of the referenced conceptual frameworks for Cultivation Research .

  10. 合理化的意义与实现&哈贝马斯交往行动理论述评

    Rationalization , Meaning and Realization & Reviewing The Theory of Communicative Action of J · Habermas

  11. 集体行动理论化系谱:从社会运动理论到抗争政治理论

    The Spectrum of Collective Action Theory : From Social Movement Theory to Theory of Contentious Politics

  12. 这种特定的行动理论即本文旨在建立的中国人的自我行动理论。

    The author tries to present a specific action theory , namely , the Chinese self-action theory .

  13. 康芒斯的法经济学思想主要体现在他的集体行动理论、利益和谐理论和法制决定论之中。

    Commons ′ economic analysis of law embodies in the theory of collective action , harmonious interest etc.

  14. 论公务员上下级之间的良性互动公共行政的行动理论视角公共行政官员的价值取向基于新公共服务理论视角下的思考

    Virtuous Interaction between Civil Servants at Higher and Lower Levels A Study on the Value Orientation of Public Administrators

  15. 戈夫曼与舒茨的社会情景中个人及个人行动理论分析&现代社会学思想流派中的主观主义倾向

    Goffman and Schutz 's individual and individual 's action theory in Social Situation & the subjectivism tendency in modern sociology idea

  16. 然后,对相关的理论进行了综述,即政府与市场,集体行动理论和社会资本理论。

    Then , the theory was reviewed , the Government and the Market , Collective action theory and Social capital theory .

  17. 合理行动理论及其扩展理论&计划行为理论在健康行为认识和改变中的应用

    Theory of Reasoned Action and Its Extension & Theory of Planned Behavior : Their Application in Explaining and Changing Health Behavior

  18. 与离婚有关的理论研究也比较丰富,其中科尔曼的理性行动理论是一个典型的代表。

    There are so many theoretic studies concerned about the divorces . One of typical representatives is Coleman Theory of Rational Actions .

  19. 理性行动理论是社会学中一种极富解释力的理论体系。

    The rational action theory ( the rational choice theory ) is a kind of theoretical system with great explaining power in sociology .

  20. 本文通过对非战争军事行动理论和实例的分析,探讨了非战争军事行动的内涵,并着重论述其不同于战争行动的特点,以及与战争行动的基本关系。

    Through analyzing theory and practice of Non war military operations , this thesis discusses its connotation , characteristics and relationship with war military operations .

  21. 我们可运用哈贝马斯的交往行动理论剖析文学翻译活动。

    Based on the theory of communicative action put forth by Jurgen Habermas , the author points out that literary translation is a special kind of communicative action .

  22. 当前关于政策执行的理论主要有、行动理论、组织理论以及委托代理理论。

    Current theories on policy implementation process of the main policy implementation theory , perform debugging theory , management theory , the market model theory and principal-agent theory .

  23. 接下来文章构建起基于理性行动理论的目标-行动分析框架,并以此对乡村合流成因作了剖析。

    On the basis of " Rational Action Theory ", an analysis framework of " Purpose-Action " is proposed to explain the cause of " Governance Cahoots " .

  24. 在多元主义和集体行动理论争论的基础上,动态利益集团形成理论开始关注社会稳定对集团政治的多重影响。

    Based on the argument between pluralism and collective action theory , the dynamic theory of interest group formation points out the multiple effects of social stability on group politics .

  25. 现有的社会行动理论把行动者的行动能力视作不证自明的前提,但是,人的行动能力可以而且应该被证明。

    The action abilities of actors are recognized as self-evident presuppositions by contemporary social action theories . However , the action abilities of human being should and could be proved .

  26. 第3章为相关理论,主要包括公共物品理论、外部性理论、集体行动理论、计划行为理论和制度规制理论。

    Chapter three for the relevant theory , including the theory of public goods , externality theory , collective action theory , theory of planned behavior and system regulation theory .

  27. 利用相关的文化理论与行动理论对精神控制进行考察,得出其本质是阻碍沟通理性与争夺文化霸权。

    Inspect the mind control by using the relative cultural theory and behavioral theory , and come to know that its nature is to stop communication rationally and struggle for hegemony .

  28. 但是,奥尔森集体行动理论存在重大误区:以分析无组织的大型集团的集体行动的逻辑来分析小型集团的行动;

    But there are serious limitations in Olson 's theory . They are as follows : applying the logic of collective action of large groups to analyze that of small groups ;

  29. 在探讨战术行动理论和实战运用现状的基础上,确定了散打7种重组战术行动内容。

    Based on the analysis of the tactical action theory and the present condition of application of it to actual combat , it established seven kinds of reorganized tactical action contents .

  30. 奥尔森是集体行动理论的代表人物,他提出了集体行动的逻辑,论述了集团规模与集体行动之间的关系。

    Olson is a representative figure of the theory of collective action , brought forward the logic of collective action , and discussed the relations between group size and collective action .